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I own nothing except for the plot. All rights go to Rick Riordan and Marvel Studios :)

also disclaimer: I wrote this from the ages of 12-14, so the first chunk of this fic is objectively awful!! It did help me grow so much as a writer, though, so I do still love it! :D

Percy Jackson stood before the Olympians, his expression cold as ice. He clutched his ballpoint pen in his pocket, compressing any fear or worry he might have into it.

"What now then?" His voice was low, barely a whisper, but all of the major gods heard him. "What are you going to do now? Torture me? Kill me? Strike me with lighting? I don't care. Go ahead. I've been craving death ever since I bathed in that stupid river."

There was silence from the gods. Percy Jackson had grown more and more intimidating over the years. From his looks to his actions. They were almost afraid of him and the threat he posed.

"I have thought about ways you might murder me." Percy smiled as if putting forward an idea in a group project. "You might strike me with a lightning bolt, stab me to death, turn me to dust, smite me. But maybe you might drown me, how humiliating would that be, a son of Poseidon drowning? It would be the perfect accident to arrange, wouldn't it?"

Poseidon's face was distant, he couldn't stand to see his son like this. He was thinner than he used to be, his inky black hair had grown a bit longer, his sea green eyes had lost their twinkle. This should have made him look weak, but the god of the sea's son radiated power.

"By all means, Lord Zeus, do whatever the heck you want." Percy held out his arms as if he were about to embrace someone. "It does not scare me, I welcome the idea of pain."

Zeus considered this for a moment on his throne, and Percy could see he was thinking of different ways to blast him to pieces. The son of Poseidon did not mind. He was more than eager to go to the underworld, maybe even try rebirth if he didn't make it to Elysium. Finally, the king of the gods spoke.

"You are dangerous, Perseus Jackson," he boomed. "I do not like the threat you pose to Western Civilisation as we know it. However, you are valuable to me, you proved that over the last two wars."

Percy raised both his eyebrows, indicating that the lightning god should continue and elaborate on what he meant.

"Punishment and rewards can come hand in hand," he continued, "and I have something in mind."

The lord of the skies pointed at Percy, his expression fierce. Percy felt a horrible pain rise in his stomach, he fell to his knees, trying not to scream. For a horrifying few moments, he saw Annabeth sitting instead of Zeus, with everyone else he had lost in the gods' places.

He closed his eyes, finally letting the scream that had been sitting in his throat to pass his lips. In an undignified moment, he begged for it to stop. It felt like an eternity until the pain subsided.

He knelt there, breathing in and out sharply. He opened his eyes and saw his senses had heightened. Everything he saw, smelled, felt, heard and tasted was suddenly more powerful. It was brighter now, and his field of view was wider. He smelled singed hair, felt the cold marble beneath his knees, he heard every breath he and the gods took, he could taste the coppery flavour of blood on his tongue.

"What did you do to me?" He managed to rasp, looking back up at Zeus. The Lord of the Skies had to stop himself from flinching when Percy's sea-green eyes met his electric blue ones. The son of Poseidon's eyes had become broken, full of sorrow, but also full of resentment and anger. It was hard to keep eye contact.

"Hail, Perseus, god of riptides, battle technique and loyalty," Zeus nodded his head respectfully to the newly born god.

Percy shook his head and struggled to his feet. "No, no, no." he leaned against a nearby pillar for support. "I- I wanted you to- I expected you to kill me. N-not this, anything but this."

There was silence for a few moments.

"It's a lot to process, my son, but-" Poseidon began, but Percy cut him off.

"Oh, so it's 'my son,' now, is it?" The new god's voice was bitter, angry, resentful, sad. "It wasn't 'my son,' when I was accused of stealing the Drama Queen's lightning bolt, was it? It wasn't 'my son,' when I held up the sky, was it? It wasn't 'my son,' when I was almost burned to death by lava, was it? It wasn't 'my son,' when I bathed in the Styx, was it? It wasn't 'my son,' when I went to Tartarus and back, or defeated Gaia. It's never been 'my son,' it's just been you cowering behind your kids to do all the dirty work for you."

"You're a god now, Perseus," Zeus shrugged. "We can't change you back, even if we wanted to. We can build you a house on Olympus, or you can live with your father in his underwater palace."

"I'm going home," Percy said firmly. "I'm going home to see my mother, and I do not wish for any of you to call upon me again unless you seriously have to. It sucks, because you know what? I would fight in a war for all of you again and again and again. What repayment to I get? Immortality I already turned down because I never wanted it in the first place. Fuck you."

Percy stormed out of the throne room, and barely noticed the small hurricane already forming around him. He willed it to stop, not wanting to trash Olympus and Annabeth's beautiful creations. He went down the elevator and ran out of the Empire State Building onto the street, from which he decided to walk home.

When, at last, he opened the door, he walked in and slammed it shut.

"Percy, honey, is that you?" Sally Jackson peeked our from the kitchen, and when she saw her son her eyes lit up. "Percy! I was so worried!"

She hugged him, and Percy couldn't help hugging back. He also couldn't help the tears now running down his cheeks and the sobs that exited his mouth.

His mother pulled away, and when she saw Percy crying, she guided him to the living room and they sat on the couch, holding hands.

"Tell me everything," she commanded, not in a sharp way, but in a gentle, encouraging way.

Percy closed his eyes, bowing his head. "They made me a god," he whispered.


"They made me a god."

"I don't know what to say."

"Don't say anything, please," Percy shook his head as if he wanted out of this horrible nightmare of reality. He hugged his mother again. "Just don't drift away from me."


"Promise me."

"I promise."


1139 words (excluding the author's note thingy I'm about to write) :)

Disclaimer: This story is a first draft. It has not been edited yet so there will be a few mistakes :D

Yeah Idk what was going through my mind while I wrote this XD

But basically um Percy's a god now and everything's about to go to Hades soon! So that's something to look forward to, right?

This fanfiction is a thing because, to put it simply, I'm addicted to Poki fanfics lmao

Um ya that's it really :)

Imma update as soon as I can but imma be busy with school and stuff :/

-Megafetus :)))

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