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Percy didn't know how long he'd been falling for before he hit the ground with a considerably loud thud. Somehow, he hadn't broke any bones. He was covered in golden ichor, though. He sighed, before trying to recollect his knowledge of what had happened before he had found his way here.

Loki and him had had a disagreement, he'd killed a guy, then made he and Thor fall thirty thousand feet from an aircraft. He shuddered. Whatever had happened after he fell from the Bifrost, he must've ended up hitting his head hard.

He heard a crunch behind him, and Percy whirled around, uncapping riptide and pointing his sword straight at the god of thunder himself.

"Perseus, lower the sword," Thor growled, and Percy did as he was told. "Alright, now drop it."

"I'm not dropping my sword," he replied. "But, seeing as you don't have Mjölnir with you for whatever reason, I suppose it's only fair if I just..." he capped the sword, turning it back into a ballpoint pen. He looked back at Thor and grinned. "Do that."

"I don't have time for your games, Perseus," Thor began to approach Percy, but he held a hand up to stop him.

"Now, now, Thor, don't get yourself worked up." He kept grinning, trying to keep the situation as laid-back as he possibly could. "I'm not on Loki's side!"

"I highly doubt that," he went on. "You were trying to break Loki out!"

"Because I was bringing him back to Camp Half-Blood for questioning!" Percy argued. "I didn't know what you guys planned to do with him, but I do know that at camp he'll be safe in a celestial bronze cell until he comes to his senses. Not in that glass thing that can open with the press of a button- which, by the way, he was able to get out of by himself this whole time."

"I understand your worry, Perseus-"

"You have no idea what real worry even is," Percy shook his head. "I've lost everything. And, just when I thought things were going well for me, I lost Loki too last year. And now, for whatever reason, the Fates have decided to mock me- hold him right in front of me. I'm not letting them take him away again, no matter what it takes. If it comes down to choosing either the world or Loki, you can best bet I'll be choosing him- because wherever he goes, I'm going too."

Thor was silent for a moment, and Percy wished he'd hurry up and leave him alone so he could find his way back to the ship and get to Loki before he escaped. It seemed to be that he was thinking deeply about where Percy's loyalties lay.

"Traitor," Thor seethed. "You dare betray Olympus and Asgard? I thought you were smarter than that."

"I haven't betrayed anyone!" Percy sighed, facepalming. "I'm literally doing Zeus' bidding here. You got a problem? Talk to him. Go."

"I'd rather end you here," he walked closer. Percy backed away.

"Hey, I can't die, remember?" He said nervously, putting Riptide in his pocket.

"I want to see just how much you can live through," Thor grabbed Percy by the neck, and started punching him in the face.

"These are getting repetitive," he said, making Thor stop for a moment. "Can you at least do something interesting? When I got tortured by Tartarus, I'd be getting stabbed one second, whipped the next, heck- he even bashed my head against the wall a couple times, among other things. I've seen the best of the best, Thor; can you try to be a little more... I don't know... interesting?"

Thor, with a shout, hurled Percy across the field of grass they were standing in. He landed on his back with a grunt, then grinned. "That's more like it!"

In truth, Percy was screaming in frustration inside. He was running out of time. Loki had probably already escaped. Escaped to do what?

Then Percy realised: Loki's attack in Germany, the way he wished for attention; an audience, almost. It all added up to one possible outcome.

"Thor, listen," he stood to see the Asgardian running towards him. "I just had a lightbulb moment. Loki wants to attack New York. Think about it! He wants people to see him become the ruler of this new world. We need to get to New York!"


"Thor, I know you don't trust me," Percy met him a few feet away from where he landed. "But, please, you have to believe me. We need to get to New York. We need to corner Loki."

Thor paused, as if being faced with the biggest decision he'd ever made. Percy rolled his eyes, if this was how Thor decided everything he'd be quite a slow king someday. He decided not to comment, though.

"Fine," the Asgardian said at last. "But if I find out you're lying to me..."

"You can gouge my eyes out or something," Percy finished his friend's sentence. "I get it."

Thor couldn't help but drop his tough demeanour and smile. "Alright, we have to find Mjölnir. I dropped it somewhere on my way down."

"Ah, okay," Percy swayed awkwardly, before looking around even more awkwardly. He hadn't spoke to Thor in so long, and it seemed the dynamics had shifted. Thor had become more confident; more sure of himself. Percy had become more closed off, less prone to crack a joke. It seemed that they were two entirely different people now.

About ten minutes later (Percy had stopped counting the seconds after he got to four minutes, so he wasn't exactly sure), Thor picked up his hammer and called lightning upon it. He stood there for who knows how long, making a small tornado and lightning travelled from the sky to his hammer. Percy shuddered as he remembered when he was accused of stealing Zeus' master bolt. What would've happened, Percy wondered, if he had died on that quest? Would things have been better? Would Kronos have won? What about Gaia? It was strange how such a small detail could change everything. He blinked, and all of a sudden Thor was asking him if he was ready to go.

"I was born ready," he uncapped Riptide, running his finger along the celestial bronze, the familiar balance of metal grounding him. "Let's get moving."


This chapter took forever to write, and I'm honestly not happy with it at all. But, for those who don't know, I accidentally deleted the whole chapter a while back and had to start the whole thing from scratch. On top of that, my Christmas tests are coming up and so updates'll be a little slow for a while.

Also thank you all so much for 5K! I never expected for anyone to see this story, so to see a bunch of people enjoying it makes me really happy <3

Also there will most likely be more angst in the next chapter lmao so be prepared

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