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"He's got to be joking," Starlord said, shaking his head.

"I haven't known Strange for that long," Percy looked up at him. "But he's not a liar. My husband, he was-" he stopped himself, realising he had just spoken about Loki in the past tense. "Sorry, he is a sorcerer. One of the best I know. Even he was no match for Strange when faced with him a few months back."

"Whoah, okay, back up a second, kid. Did you just say 'husband'?" Tony asked. "Since when are you both married?"

"Since today," Percy smiled up at him. "We did the ceremony on the ship in secret a few minutes before Thanos attacked," he lost his smile. "And now I don't even know if he's alive or not."

"God, Percy, I'm sorry," Starlord looked at him.

"It's fine. He's smart," he said certainly. "He's been dead before. Twice now. He'll be back, I know it."

Starlord shared a look with Mantis, although Percy didn't know why.

"Do you see why we need a plan now?" Tony asked. "Thanos is gonna be here any minute now. We've got to prepare. Percy, you've met Thanos before, right?"

"Yeah. Twice," he nodded.

"And you've fought him."


"Okay, that's something we can work with," Tony said. "Let's get this son of a bitch."


As agreed, Strange stood on what must once have been some stone steps. He waited for Thanos to arrive and, when he did, began stalling whilst everyone else got ready to attack. When Thanos appeared, Percy tensed, and he turned his back to him, leaning against the rock he and Starlord were hiding behind.

"I can't do this," Percy whispered.

"What are you talking about?" Starlord asked, worried now.

"I can't face him again," he shook his head desperately. "I can't do this, I can't-"

"Hey, look at me, kid," he put a hand on Percy's shoulder. "I don't know you all that well, right? But I can tell you've been through some stuff. And that's okay, you're allowed to be afraid," he said. "But you see him over there? He can't do shit to you. I won't let him, and neither will your friends or mine. All you have to do is pin him down, get that gauntlet and then we can kill him, and he'll be gone forever. You'll never have to think of him again. Ever. I swear."

"But I can't-"

"There's no such thing as 'can't'," Starlord said, a small, encouraging smile on his face.

Starlord continued to tell Percy he was fine for a few minutes before the cue for Tony to come in came from Strange, and he threw a huge building, crushing him.

"Shit, we gotta go," Starlord said, looking up, then back at Percy. "Alright, kid, it's now or never. You either stay here and I can get Stark to come and get you, or you go out there and show that Titan who's boss, which is it?"

"Piece of cake, Quill," Tony said, hovering.

Starlord put on his helmet, glancing back at Percy and jumping out from their hiding spot. "Yeah, if your goal was to piss him off!"

Quickly, Thanos became annoyed and used the purple- power- stone to break free. He threw the building's remains at Tony as Peter slung some webs over Thanos' eyes, which he tore off. Drax came running for him and was immediately thrown away. Strange came at him with his magic and Quill with his guns.

Percy clenched his fists and closed his eyes, "you can do this," he told himself quietly. "Come on."

Thanos was shocked and on the floor, and the Cloak of Levitation wrapped around the gauntlet, preventing him from closing his fist.

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