~ C h a p t e r 76 ~

751 50 44

~ Little Brother ~
> 1445 words <

The world never stops moving. And that damn clock never stops ticking. It felt like an eternity. It felt like nothing.

An eternity, in the sense of time feeling slow, feels just like nothing. That is how Aizawa would describe it. It's when time freezes and a horrible feeling grows inside of his spine. He hated these moments. And recently, he's been getting a lot of them.

"Twenty people?"

Nezu slowly nodded, prominent eye bags under his eyes. "Twenty people."

Stacks of paper were on his desk, and his phone powered off after the onslaught of phone calls that were dialed to him. Nezu had been up for the past few hours. Sure he was smart, but he didn't fucking know anything for sure-he wasn't even there! How could he solve this problem when the police hadn't even sent the full case email because it wasn't even done yet! Nezu was emailed small updates from the police, but he wouldn't have the entire case report for another few hours.

Humans were so dense sometimes.


Aizawa didn't know how to wrap this around his head. Twenty people... twenty innocent people killed.

One of the cons of living in a super human society is times like these. Nowadays, people who could kill with their quirks, could kill a lot of people. So mass-murders weren't un-common, and lots of serial killers had high kill counts. It was easier for serial killers to commit crimes. More people got hurt. More people were murdered.

The number didn't really concern Aizawa as much as it should. He was more concerned about something else. About someone else.

A silent question lingered around the room, both men not knowing how to bring the subject up.

"Do you think it's her...?"

Nezu nodded, "It's definitely the child murderer that has been going around. A few of them were killed by their internal organs being smashed. It's a sign of her quirk."

Aizawa shook his head, he could already feel a headache forming. "That isn't what I meant."

If their idea was right. Then... this was more complicated than he thought.

"...yes, we are almost positive it's his mother."

Everything was so much more than a coincidence. With Inko's sudden disappearance and hatred towards children it made sense. The fact she had green hair. It was also because they went deep into the murderers files and found something important. Something that tied it all together.

Her quirk.

The murderer had a few quirks that the police could come up with as a possibility for what she had. One of them, was telekinesis.

Inko had that quirk.

"Do you think it's possible she is targeting Izuku?"

Aizawa almost didn't want Nezu to answer that question. After he said it, it was almost as if the clock stopped ticking and the world stopped spinning.

He got that horrible feeling in his spine again. It crawled up and up. And he felt sick. It felt like it was nothing again. The world felt empty. It felt stopped.

It felt like nothing.

But it didn't stop. It wasn't nothing. It wasn't empty.

The world kept going. And that was clawing the older man up from the inside out.

I'm No Hero - Vigilante BNHAWhere stories live. Discover now