~ C h a p t e r 56 ~

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~ Be who you are ~
> 2238 words <

It was late into the next day, and everyone was saying their goodbyes to Kai, who was going to America to see her cousin. Though, if she didn't shake the two demons clinging to her off, she was going to be late to her flight.

"Eri, Kota!" Kai said as she attempted to shake the children who clung to her arms. "I can't be late for my flight!"

"We don't care!" Kota cried, tightening his surprisingly strong grip on the bluenette, "If the plane crashes your going to die! And that's illegal!" He claimed as Eri nodded as if the lie was an actual fact. Kai groaned as Shigaraki laughed at what Kai was going through.

"Serves you right-" Shigaraki was cut off by Kai sending a deadly glare in his direction. Shigaraki sighed before shaking his head, getting off the chair he was seated on to approach the leach like children. "Look, kids, Kai has to go leave to see her girlfriend, and that means Kai will stop being sad," he explained.

"Are you saying Kai isn't happy with us!" Eri cried, glaring at Shigaraki who promptly started to walk backward with his hands up in surrender from the vicious way Eri was growling at him.

"No, I mean-"

"Eri, Kota," Kai spoke, crouching down, letting the children's feet touch the ground so they were no longer in mid-air. "I'll be fine, okay? If the plane crashed, I'll just make a bubble!" Kai explained before putting a hand up to whisper to the two children as if she was telling them a secret. Even though the adults already knew. "My cousin has some top secret information-"

"About what?!" Kota asked, his eyes beaming with excitement as he whispered, "Is it....information about Izuku's secret coffee recipe?"

Kai puffed her cheeks out, thinking about it before nodding, "Yup! But don't tell Izuku or anyone else, okay? I'll split the secret with you two, okay?" she whispered back, getting back on her feet when the two let go of her.

She wasn't risking them clinging back on.

"Okay! Now let me go say bye to Izuku," the two children nodded as they started to whisper to each other. They were probably whispering about the so-called coffee recipe she was going to get.

She walked forwards to Izuku, though Izuku rushed forwards and hugged her suddenly. Kai slowly wrapped her arms around Izuku. "Kai, make sure you stay safe, okay?"

The bluenette nodded slowly, "Thanks Izuku! But make sure you stay safe as well," Kai said with a jokingly voice, "I don't want you dying or anything when I'm gone!"

"Kai! I'll be fine!" Izuku said as he took a few steps back, standing next to Katsuki and leaning against the side of the blond. "Now go have fun!"

Kia giggled as she grabbed her suitcase, getting ready to leave, "Goodbye everyone! See you guys soon!"

She walked out as everyone waved, yelling goodbyes.

Though, Izuku had a bad feeling about this.


When bored, most people will either try to sleep or find something to do. Others will just think.

That's what Izuku was currently doing at twelve in the morning. He was thinking. Katsuki was asleep next to him since Izuku left the arms of the blond ten minutes before to go drink some water.

It was quiet, and Izuku didn't want to wake Katsuki up just because he couldn't seem to fall asleep.

All the lights in the room were off, the only sort of light Izuku was getting was the reflection of the moon coming through the window.

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