~ C h a p t e r 39 ~

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~ Plane Ride ~
> 2202 words <

Katsuki didn't know why, but, he knew he was going to protect Izuku.


Because his Izu has been through so much...

Izuku's breathing finally evened out, so Katsuki knew the shivering teen in his arms was finally sleeping after over an hour of crying and apologizing.

The blond didn't like how Izuku thought it was all his fault. Because it wasn't Izuku's fault. Izuku did nothing wrong- he couldn't do anything!

It was stupid that his friend blamed himself- it couldn't be healthy.

Katsuki carefully laid down with Izuku still on top of him and brought a fuzzy blanket over them.

The blond couldn't help but to run his hand through Izuku soft hair, that still smelt like strawberries.

Ever since Katsuki could remember, Izuku used to sleep with him. It was easier for the two when they were children to sleep together most likely because of body warmth.

It also helped that Katsuki's quirk was literally explosions, so his body temperature was naturally warmer than most, so Izuku clung to him like a magnet.

Katsuki smiled as Izuku clung closer to the blond, his legs wrapping around Katsuki's.

...a very cute magnet.

Katsuki smiled softly, Izuku had always been cute.

Was that... weird. To think of his friend as cute?

No, because it was simply the truth.

It's not like Katsuki loves the greenette or anything.

The blinds eyes shot open, staring at the greenettes peaceful sleeping face.



It was midnight, and everyone was upstairs in the restaurant sleeping.

Besides Kai. The bluenette was outside, cackling evilly with Nezu.

He really was short.

"Are you guys going to just laugh all night or start the plan?" Maijima asked tiredly before yawning. They made him wake up early for this.

Why was he here again... oh yeah, he had to help set things up.

"Fine!" Kai said with a huff, "Give me a moment, it takes a while to produce a bubble the size of a two story building," she said as she waved dismissively to Power Loader before walking to her restaurant and placing her hands flat against the air a few feet before her building.

"I can't believe we are moving a building with a bubble," Maijima exaggerated as Aizawa handed him a coffee, "Thanks man," the out of character Maijima said.

This is what happens when he doesn't sleep.

"It is a good idea... Nezu could of thought of worse," Shouta said as a giant bubble started to grow from Kai's hands, smaller bubbles also came out and started to fly away into the night sky.

"My quirk is called Bubbles, I can control where they go!" Kai said happily, "If I allow them to, I can have them pick things up. The size and amount of bubbles are up to me, but the more liquids I drink the stronger they are," she turned to the group, "And I drank a fuck ton of coffee today!"

The bubble encased around the building finally, and Kai brought her left hand up, causing the bubble to fly up above the other buildings.

"Now let's go!" She said as she started to march off with Nezu right by her with Aizawa and Maijima behind them.

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