~ C h a p t e r 31 ~

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LOOK A DOUBLE UPDATE! Love ya guys! Make sure you eat sleep and drink! Also just so you know if it gets confusing it's because when people get really hurt their brain will try distracting from the pain. So in this case it'll be Izuku's thoughts that are effected.

Is the thought part accurate? I don't know, I doubt it, but the brain does try coping with pain and sometimes when I get hurt I think randomly- So :>


~ IZUKU! ~
> 2161 words <

Izuku jumped to the side as a loud pop filled the USJ and a small metal bullet just passed by where he was standing moments prior.

The greenette paled. He already knew who the group of people behind him were.

Memories filled his head before he forced himself to the present.

He was fine. The heroes were on there way.

He was fine.

"Shigaraki," one of the few hummed, "I suggest we lock him away again and you let us play with him some more," he chirped as he looked Izuku over.

The greenette really wanted to leave. Panic set over his body.

Just when he thought this was all over...

Shigaraki shook his head, already fine with leaving now. He knows the league would throw him and Kurogiri under the bus.

They knew All For One would look for them and make sure they were punished.

But they wanted to live their own lives.

They wanted to chose their own choices.

They wanted freedom.

"I'm sorry, but I think me and Kuro will be staying with Izuku here." Shigaraki said coldly, pulling his gloves over his hands as the other small group of villains growled.

Their was screaming from the students for some reason as more pops filled the area, but non were aimed towards them...

So why were they..?

Their was shouting as the entrance door was broken open, and heroes piled in, all aiming weapons at the villains.

Snipe was pointing a gun towards Shigaraki and Kurogiri, and Izuku didn't care about his injuries or the people trying to shoot him.

Snipe would not shoot these people.

The greenette jumped and he ignored all the blood that was staining his skin. Thankfully no one saw his bleeding since his shirt was all black.

He threw himself in front of the two as he glared dangers at Snipe, who instantly got the hint and aimed for the villains that tried to shoot Izuku.

Izuku looked at the ground in confusion, why was their more shell casings on the ground..?

He shook it off as he glared at the five familiar faces, they didn't bother moving. They were surrounded.

But that didn't stop them from talking. Talking low enough so the heroes didn't hear.

But loud enough so Izuku could.

Jiro noticed this and put one of her earphone jacks in the ground, but even with her quirk she couldn't hear it.

"You little fucking slut, stop acting like the tough guy and get us out of here," one guy hissed out.

But Izuku closed his eyes, his headache getting worse. Why did it hurt so much.

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