~ C h a p t e r 78 ~

869 46 41

~ Fight Or Flight ~
> 1682 words <

Back To The Present

Fight or flight: an instinct everyone has built into them.

But what if you did neither? What if you did both? Why, in the moment, does there never seem to be other options? It always seems to just be the two.

In reality, there is always options. Lots of them. Because anything can happen. And anything couldn't happen.

Katsuki's face held a neutral expression if you just took a glance. But if you looked into his eyes, you could see through his.m walls and see the panic. The worry.

The fear.

"So what you're saying is it has to be his mother?"

His voice was strained. He was holding back. And Aizawa didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Good because he didn't have to deal with a yelling banshee. Bad because Katsuki never was this calm, and that in itself was scary.

Would Katsuki explode? Would he kill Aizawa for not keeping Izuku away? Would he start to slowly poison the man? Would he purposely mess up Aizawa's coffee order as revenge?

"Unfortunately so, it seems as if the chances of her being involved are higher than her not being involved." Nezu took a much needed sip of his tea. It was a special packet, one Izuku had made for him.

It tasted bittersweet. But not because of the flavoring.

"And... was it bad?"

His question lingered in the air. Could they tell Katsuki? Or should they do what they were advised to do: don't tell anyone what really happened.

"It was horrific."

The police don't want too much information leaked to the public. They don't want to scare them. And, it would help during questioning. If someone knew the extent of what happened, they were probably involved.

Information of a mass murder this bad would send a shock wave. It would make national news headlines. It would trigger a reaction.

A fight or flight reaction.

They could fight with the heroes or fight random strangers they think could be involved. The public could also erupt in chaos, people fleeing and making it harder to track down the people responsible under all the chaos. It was best for them to just tell the public it was an 'accidental massive house fire that unfortunately took the lives of many'.

The public would be furious when they found out the truth, but everyone knew it was better that way. But Katsuki-Katsuki had a right to know, didn't he? Because would Izuku tell him?

Izuku would tell him. But he wouldn't tell him now. Izuku would tell him when he couldn't handle it anymore. Everyone knew this. Especially Katsuki.

When Katsuki woke up, Izuku was already gone. Twice told him he went to school early, and before Katsuki could even look for him, Aizawa and Nezu pulled him aside into an empty hallway.

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