~ C h a p t e r 79 ~

830 51 40

~ Falling In Love With You ~
> 2025 words <

The quiet ones were worrying. That included Eri. She was usually quiet, but when someone got her talking, it was like she couldn't stop. She was the perfect student for a psychotic rat.

Today's lesson had just started, and the atmosphere was much heavier. With the fact Nezu had been on-call for multiple hours, and worry only on his mind. When he came back to his office from talking to Katsuki, he didn't expect to see the two kids there waiting patiently.

They had worried eyes, and restless complexions. They were antsy and worried-knowing the little they did must kept their minds wandering.

So in the efforts of helping the kids mentally, he let this day be a story day. Letting Kota and Eri talk about things from memory will work the brain at least a little, and distract them enough so Nezu could work on completing all the forms he was sent.

And, just like always, Eri surprised him. She was just telling a small story to Nezu and Kota when he realized something.

Eri was a master manipulator.

How did Nezu not know this while she was right under his nose? He should had realized from the small things she noticed: like how she pointed out the file cabinet being out of place before the USJ incident, how she easily picked up lunch rushes patterns, and how she always won.

"You know, I found out how I can get more coffee," she began in a pirate accent. Nezu was tiredly listening in, only half paying attention at this point. What? He was scavenging nearby security footage of what had happened that morning.

"Really?" Kota asked, also only half paying attention. He was busy doodling small messy sketches in the empty margins of his notebook.

"All you have to do is distract them with something else while you get them to do it," Eri explained, laying down on the floor. "Like I'll talk to Dabi about apples while I hand him my empty mug, and then he will just fill it. He doesn't even ask if I've had any already!"

That's when Nezu started to listen in more. He knew his student was smart. From accounts of Izuku, she was like a child-mad scientist. She could take over the world if she wanted to. At first he thought it was a joke.

It was never a joke.

"Really?!" Kota asked, shocked. He was brimming with excitement. Geez, what kind of addicts were these kids?

"Mhm! Oh, also, whenever I do things sometimes people copy me," Eri lip-trilled, she was obviously not really thinking too hard at what she was saying. "Or I'll do something, or... bring something-and it'll become like dominos! It's so funny sometimes."

If Nezu's rat hair could pale, his would be. Why did this practical five year old know of the idea of psychology?

"Oh! Izuku taught me a bit about that... isn't called trendsetting? Or something? It's like... mind stuff."

Eri giggled, "Yeah! I like trying mind stuff all the time! Like, I once managed to get Nezu to give me six sugar cubes!"

What? What!

"No," Nezu said dumbfounded, "I would had known."

"Yes you did!" Eri giggled and rolled on the floor, "You were all dazed off earlier today! It was easy!"

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