Chapter 10: Eri's Coffee Problem (ECP)

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Eri's Coffee Problem
[join the ECP supplier movement today!]

There is one day.

Just one more day.

Just twenty four hours.

I had just twenty four hour to find out how to solve this problem: the UA entrance exam. You know, usually I make spontaneous choices. The more time I have to make a choice the more second guessing I make and the harder the problem seems.

I already knew my answer for Nezu, that was no issue at all, my issue lied in the fact I had to deliver food as Zuku and then go to the teachers area (staff room? meeting room? I don't really know what the room is, but I'll find it either way) as Hikari.

Another problem, that's not as significant, is that Katsuki will be in the exam most likely.  And he knows who I am. And as much as it hurts me, I can't let him see me.

He could spot me from a mile away—well, actually, no. Why was I even worrying?  It's been years, could Katsuki even really care? Besides I'm missing or dead, whatever the police ruled, so he wouldn't just assume I am who I am.

Who cares that much about childhood friends anyways? Other than me, of course.

And then another thing to worry about is what to do with Eri — especially since her quirk has slowly been coming back.  So far it's nothing drastic, just yesterday the first real sign showed when we were outside. We were out in one of the neighbors garden (an elderly couple who were very sweet and let me and Eri take care of their garden when they needed help or just when we wanted to) just for some fresh air when a butterfly landed on Eri's hand.

It turned into a caterpillar in her hand. Needless to say, we both screamed. Loud.

Caterpillars and inch-worms are demons on society and should be eradicated. They are vile, disgusting little things that then all of a sudden grow pretty clothing and people then ignore their ugliness. It was a very traumatic experience and I do not want to talk about it.

I couldn't take Eri to UA because the three regulars — oh those fuckers ruining my plans — would notice her right away.


No, they wouldn't!  They haven't formulary met her yet, and usually she is in the back when they are out anyways watching movies with me. They've seen her but they haven't really seen her. Yes! I can play the stupid I-don't-know-what-your-talking-about card!

It's the best card. My favorite.

I would have to have Kai... just never tell them about Eri. That would be difficult, especially since they are regulars. It's honestly a miracle they hadn't seen Eri yet, Eri usually is out with customers. But she takes after me and is nervous about seeing new people, and since they are newer regulars she hasn't made her grand entrance yet.

Her last grand entrance to new regulars involved a disco ball, juggling lemon cakes and joining the new regulars at the table and teaching them coin tricks ("you have to do the trick to be initiated as a regular!")

Eri really has everyone around her thumb, it's cute. Also I still don't know where she got that disco ball from, I would say Kai, but Kai also looked dumbfounded and confessed she only have her the lemon cakes.

Kai doesn't lie. She avoids things, sure, but that's not lying that's just... leaving out important details.

I wouldn't be able to call Eri by her name there. I could always call her another name or some sort of weird nickname. Like Z. Honestly if Eri was a letter she would be the letter Z — that's the only reason why I want to call her Z.

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