~ C h a p t e r 44 ~

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~ Love ~
> 2066 words <

Mandala sighed as she hung up the phone- her and the group have came to a decision.

It's the end of the day, and she has seen them all together for a while. And this idea she had, also worked out for them.

Because when you are busy saving people, it's hard to make it home on time to make food and watch Kota...

Hopefully he wouldn't hate this idea. If anything maybe they could come down to visit?

Either way, it was official. Before she called the group, she talked to Nezu. And he approved the idea.

So from now on, Kota was going to be living at UA with Eri. Who the ownership was going to? Most likely Izuku.

Is that illegal? Yes, yes it is. Does Nezu seem to care? No, no he doesn't.

Nezu was going to have Izuku sign off on guardianship of Kota and Eri. Though, they would have a few more guardians like Aizawa and Yamada, maybe even Nemuri, and definitely Kai and the other group of adults Izuku used to live with.

Mandala started to walk outside, trying to find the tree the bored two children said they were going to play under with Toga.

She should make sure Kota was fine with staying here- if anything they could just get a babysitter if he didn't want to. But if he did but was nervous, he could always visit on Tuesdays when she had the day off.

Well he would have to do that a lot anyways- Mandala was going to miss Kota! He could be great company and he loved to give a helping hand to everyone.

He was such a good, yet problematic, child.

With hesitant steps she walked around the huge windowed building of UA, listening around for the voices of Eri and Kota.

And that's when she started to hear giggling and what sounded like... water?

Was that a hose?

"Go on Kota, I believe in you!" Eri cheered off in the distance, before what sounded like an added hose appeared in the air.

But it wasn't as strong as a hose?

"That's so cool! I love your quirk! My quirk allows me to reverse things!" Eri exclaimed as Mandala rounded another building corner.

Wait... Kota never uses his quirk? It was probably because his parents had the same type of quirk and all, but he usually refused to even try.

Her eyes widened when she saw a soaking wet Eri and Kota, Eri was holding a long green hose that connected to the UA building and Kota was using his quirk, spraying water with a focused expression on his face.

Toga was also dripping water from her clothing, most likely from Eri splashing her. But the teen was just smiling as she watched the two.

They looked like they were having so much fun... Maybe it was a good idea that she was to let him stay here.

It would be better for him!

She giggled as she walked forward, getting the threes attention. Immediately when Kota saw her he stopped his quirk and his face flushed- he didn't want to get lectured for using his quirk on a school property!

Even though Mandala wasn't like that, he still felt...guilty for using his parents quirk.

"Hey there Squirt," she greeted as she crouched down, an unreadable expression on her face.

Kota sighed, a sad look taking his, "Do we have to leave already?"

"No- well I don't," she sighed before continuing, "I know this is out of the blue but... would you... want to stay here with Izuku and Eri?"

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