Chapter 2: Realizations

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~ Realizations ~

Shouta Aizawa is a hard person to impress and he constantly has a cold exterior. But despite that, he is a rather caring person, even if it's hard to see. Even he isn't heartless.

So that afternoon, his friends Nemuri and Yamada decided to take him—more like force him—to an all-day breakfast restaurant. They had heard about it in passing just the other day, and thought it would be a fun activity to do before the new school year. It was spur of the moment and random, and Aizawa thought it would be like any other café.
Aizawa was not expecting to have the best coffee he has ever had in his life.

Nor did he expect the person behind this godsend drink  to be a literal teenager and who apparently takes care of a child? Must be a little sibling or something. Either way: was that even legal? And why the hell did a fourteen year old have so many scars?

The kid never tried to make eye contact until he spoke to Nemuri, and even then it felt forced. That's just the first of many signs. That boy must had gone through something, and Aizawa decided it would be his mission to get to the bottom of this. Besides, he expelled his entire class—which is why he is just waiting for the next school year to start so early—and he had nothing to do.

So that night when he was on patrol in the city, Aizawa also didn't suspect to get a call from the police saying that Hikari—a helpful vigilante—had found yet another drug circle.  Aizawa would never admit that he was semi-impressed that Hikari found it before the detectives. Then again, the police didn't have a lot of time for those sort of cases, and the case was just assigned the other day to this district. Either way, it was impressive that one person was able to find and take down a giant drug ring.

But Aizawa was even more surprised to see someone in all black run and leap off the roof he was on, and the metallic sent of blood lingering in the air.

He didn't know who it was, but his legs started running on their own.

"Hey slow down!"

Eraserhead noted the person was wearing some sort of dark green mask and sturdy boots. He also wore an oversized hoodie with the hood up. It looked, well, suspicious. Aizawa couldn't focus on that, he needed to focus on the fact this person was actively bleeding—assuming so from the fresh blood droplets on the roof.

They did not stop to his calls and Aizawa unwrapped his scarf, attempting to wrap it around the runner. Geez, how was this person so fast?

The person changed directions, running for the edge of the building. "Hey! Stop!" Aizawa's capture weapon wasn't able to grab them. Aizawa's calls and capture attempts were all useless.

The person jumped, but not to another building. They jumped down.

Aizawa ran over to the edge, his phone out, ready to call for an ambulance. What the hell? This couldn't had been a suicide attempt, unless they were running from something. But why were they running from him? Was he a villain or something, not wanting to be caught?
Looking over the edge, Aizawa paused. The floor was empty besides a dumpster full of trash bags. There was no body. There was only a little glimmer of red liquid, the only evidence of who Aizawa just saw.

He leapt around, roof to roof, following the alleys that branched off... but he found no sight of them.

Aizawa sighed in distain, drinking his coffee. He glared at the mug holding the liquid. Now, his home made coffee just made him... disappointed. He wrinkled his nose in distance, almost having half the mind to dump it in the sink. Damnit, he should had gotten a few coffees this morning from that café. Now, whenever he drank his home brewed coffee he couldn't help but compare it to the drink from the heavens he had the other day. If he had known that drinking that coffee would heighten his standards so much, Aizawa doesn't know if he would had drank enough it. Now he wasn't even happy with his coffee... but then again, he would sell his soul for more of that coffee. But was it worth it? Aizawa glared up at his friends. Now he had to deal with them without feeling the satisfaction that comes with good coffee.
And why were these assholes here in his house anyways? This was his home—his sanctuary—and he didn't want to deal with whatever these bozos wanted. They should just wait for him at school and ask him then. Oh wait, right, he doesn't have to go because he expelled his entire class. Haha, suckers.

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