~ C h a p t e r 17~

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~ Miniature Rollercoaster ~
> 2179 words <

Mei looked up from her wires and to the vigilante at the door before a huge smile plastered on her face and she connected the right wires and avoided an explosion with a sigh of relief from the teacher.

All the students paused their work to turn to the doorway to see the vigilante placing his briefcase on a desk. They watched him intensely as Hikari started to talk to their teacher- the pro hero Power Loader- animatedly.

Their teacher sighed before turning to face the class with the vigilante, "Class, this is Hikari. He is a known vigilante who has been passing the law with little stunts, so technically he has done nothing illegal. So don't be scared of him, he won't hurt you."

The kids nodded eagerly, excited to meet the illegal hero. Izuku waved to the class with a smile, "It's nice to meet you guys! I'm going to be here for extra help on your wiring projects, so if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask!"

The class nodded, the tension disappearing from the carefree vigilante, "After you guys finish the simple wiring I will be showing some of my support items and blueprints to hopefully teach you something, and then at the end of the class you will have some invention free time."

The class nodded in understanding again, and Mei couldn't help but cackle lowly and crack her knuckles, scaring her table mate farther away in his corner.

"And then I believe I'm supposed to leave you guys with some tips on how to make the hero course costumes, the next time I'll be back you should be around halfway done with them! So obviously I'll help with that as well."

Power Loader stepped forward with a smile, "As you guys know from the earlier announcement there will be dormitories. Hikari here will most likely than not be on campus for that, so if you need anything from him try to ask him during school hours! He will be getting his own private office soon for student appointments and such, so when he gets that please take full advantage of it-"

"Wait wait wait," Izuku interrupted with a confused tilt of the head and a happy smile that made its way on his face, "I didn't know I was getting an office," he blinked with the eyelashes and leaned on his tippytoes, "Maijima... did you just spill a se-cr-et?"

The teacher stiffened with a groan, pushing the smaller away, "Don't tell Nezu- I thought he told you already."

"Nope, anyways enough distractions, you guys go back to work!"

While the kids got back to work, some working fast with trial and error- they never got mad when it failed, they just shrugged it off and replaced parts when needed.

But other kids worked at a good pace, always double-checking. Both options were good, one wasted less time, the other wasted fewer materials.

There were only around fifteen kids in this class, and some seemed to be using their quirk.

One guy, Izuku noticed, he had brown fringed to the side hair with green eyes had a quirk that seemingly made a glove appear on his hand; so it must be like another layer of skin almost that pushes up. It's a light blue color and it seems to be lined with metal.

Izuku smiled and walked around the room stealth-fully. It was funny really when he would look over someone's shoulder and that's the only moment they would notice him as they would stiffen up and laugh nervously.

He was prowling around; everyone was on the right track. They simply had to hook up the wiring from one said of the foot-long piece of wood to the part with the light.

They just had to get past the little things that stood up from the wood without hurting the wire.

They also only had a little over a foot of wire so they had to be smart about it. Izuku saw someone who literally just had it go off the side of the wood.

I'm No Hero - Vigilante BNHAWhere stories live. Discover now