~ C h a p t e r 60 ~

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~ Problem Child ~
> 3053 words <

Izuku nervously hummed as he walked up the UA dorms hallway, trying to find Katsuki's dorm. Tonight he had promised the blond he would stay in his dorm room. It allowed Eri and Kota to hang out with the ex-villains and it was for Izuku to get used to the room.

And because it would be easier to sneak out with sleeping teens rather than his friends who are used to always having to listen to everything to survive.

In the bag Izuku was carrying by the strap had his vigilante gear. Izuku's hands gripped it tightly, almost as if he was scared someone would jump out and accuse him of his 'crime' and be right.

Izuku thought maybe it would be easier to sneak things in, but now, he realized the amount of guilt and anxiety that was on top of his shoulders, weighing him down.

Finally, after a few minutes of being relatively lost, Izuku found the door with Katsuki's name on it. Hesitantly, he walked towards it, before lightly knocking on the wooden door.

What if Katsuki was sleeping? Or doing homework? He doesn't want to bother him!

After a few seconds, Izuku was about to knock again, the door opened. Their, beyond the entry of the door, stood Katsuki in a casual outfit. He had on his black shirt with a skull on it as usual, with blue jeans. Easily, a smile slid on his face when he realized Izuku was the one who knocked. Finally!

"Izu, finally! Dinner is going to be done soon-I thought you were going to miss it," Katsuki exclaimed, his hand grabbing Izuku's arm and dragging him inside his dorm before shutting and locking the door.

Why he locked the door? Well, last time he didn't lock the door, Kaminari bursted in his room at three in the morning because he thought he saw a spider in his room.

It was a tiny ball of fluff.

"Whose making dinner then?" Izuku asked curiously as he dropped his bag in the corner of the room out of the way. His eyes curiously scanned the room once again, his face felt hot as he remembered the last time he was in the room.

"Mina and Kirishima were on cooking duty," Katsuki spoke clearly as he walked over to his freshly made bed, sitting down as his eyes looked at Izuku, "Though, they probably ordered some shitty takeout."

Izuku giggled, walking over to the bed and sitting next to the blond before wrapping his arms around Katsuki's waist. He felt a little bad for leaving Katsuki for that meeting, so Izuku wanted to make it up to the blond by showing physical affection.

Because that is what they always have done to apologize to each other or if they other felt bad. When babies they used to always cuddle and stay near each other. When Katsuki learned to crawl, he would always escape his mother and find Izuku if the greenette was crying-or just in general.

Their relationship relied on affection.

"You're probably right Kacchan, you usually are right!" Izuku praised lightly, melting against the blonds side when Katsuki, wrapped an arm around him tightly.

"Here, why don't we...play a movie or show as we wait for dinner?" Katsuki suggested, already moving himself to the side so he was seated with his head rested on a pillow against his headboard. Because of the arm around Izuku, the greenette was pulled along.

"Sure! Why don't you pick something to watch," Izuku said as he removed his arms around the blond, though, Izuku let his hand rest on the arm Katsuki had behind him around his shoulders. Izuku leaned his head against Katsuki's shoulders as the other got out a laptop, placing it on his lap and starting it up. This way, both of them would see it.

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