~ C h a p t e r 77 ~

716 47 16


~ Should Had Listened ~
> 377 Words <

Three Days Later

He should had listened.

Cold, icy metal dug into his ankles and wrist. Small pieces of metal impaled his soft skin, going all the way though his wrist.

Why didn't he listen?

His hands twitched, blood slowly dripping down them and onto the floor. His hands were covered in the red liquid. He could feel it.

He could smell it.

The room was musky, and smelt of metal. It smelt metallic. And it smelt of death.

It was silent. Painfully so. Shadows lined the walls along with small, helpless little drawing that dried into rust.

These drawing lined the walls like a cave. They seemed ancient and old. And it was a telltale sign he wasn't the first person here. These small drawing were painted red. And he didn't want to know if what he thought it was made of was correct.

They were finger paintings. Some small and simple. But one webbed as entire wall. It was layers upon layers of what seemed to be sanity. They were simple shapes-circles, triangles, squares-all mapped over each other.

It made a shiver creep up his spine. Could this be the work of a victim trying to stay sane? Or could this be the work of a monster?

He didn't want to know.

He was trembling. His limbs shook. And he couldn't stop them. The only thing he could control was his breathing.

In and out. His breathing was quiet. He couldn't afford to be loud. Not now. Maybe this was some sort of nightmare. Some sort of sick nightmare. It... it had to be, right?

He knew it wasn't. With the pain in his ankles and wrist, he knew this was real. He knew this was his reality.

Clink, clink, clink. The sound of heels clinking against cement flooring echoed closer and closer and closer.

And just like that, the one thing he could control went away. His breathing hitched. And his reality seemed to crash down. He was powerless. He couldn't do anything.

It hurt. His ankles and wrist hurt. His heart was beating fast, but that wasn't why his heart hurt.

Damnit. Why didn't he just listen?

I'm No Hero - Vigilante BNHAWhere stories live. Discover now