~ C h a p t e r 53 ~

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~ Bleeding leg and crushed dreams ~
> 2321 words <

After a few minutes of Izuku testing out mint on Katsuki, Aizawa made it outside to them.

Oh, and he brought a friend.

"MAIJI!" Izuku yelled, leaping a few yards and tackling the hero to the ground with the help of his new shoes.

The support gear maker was surprisingly enough not regretting this decision. He wouldn't admit out loud how much he cared for Izuku, but...

The greenette hasn't had a proper birthday or holiday in so long! He wanted to spoil Izuku a bit for everything he has missed.

"I see you like your new gear?" Maiji asked with a smirk, using his elbows to get himself off the ground.

"Yes yes yes yes! Thank you so so so much!" Izuku practically cried out as he clung to the man. "I'm so excited to use it in battle! Mint is going to be so helpful!"

"Mint?" Aizawa asked confused, though when he saw the evil smile on the problem child's face he knew he shouldn't of said anything.

"It's a program in my earpiece! It's an advanced robot, Sho! And it will feed me information! Oh! And it'll work like my contacts!" Izuku rambled on, finally letting go of Maijima as he bounced around, going high in the air. Yes, he had the bounce option on his shoes.

And yes, he was going to do this all the time.

Aizawa glared at Maijima, "You...gave him a robot?!"

"Well yeah," he whispered out, "I wanted to do something good for Izuku...and if he takes over the world I know he would spare me."

Aizawa groaned as Izuku upon one of his landing grabbed Katsuki's arms, lifting the surprised blond into the air with him. "See Kacchan! Isn't this fun!"

The blond nodded, his arms were wrapped around Izuku so he would get launched into the air with Izuku without his quirk.

With the two of them, they went a few feet up in the air. "Yeah, but please, don't get hurt Deku."

"I wont! I've jumped roofs higher than this!" Izuku joked with a giggle, "Trust me this is nothing!"


"Oh- no! Like because I'm a vigilante! I used to have to jump roofs to get away, I never got that injured," Izuku explained as he stopped his jumping, allowing the two to land safely on the ground.

Katsuki sighed and simply ruffled Izuku's hair, he didn't like knowing how Izuku, for the past two years, was getting hurt by running...

If only he found Izuku sooner.

His thoughts were interrupted when he noticed the idiots-yes, his classmates-making their way over in hero gear.

Immediately Izuku clung to Katsuki's side. Sometimes it was hard to believe that Izuku used to be one of the worlds best vigilantes with this kind of simple anxiety.

Though, unlike usual, Izuku seemed more relaxed. Maybe Izuku was right, the mask he wore really did help him.

And the way Izuku held his arm...it wasn't like the greenette was scared. No, it was more like...

Katsuki pridefully smiled when he realized Izuku was willingly clinging to him just because he could.

Aizawa quickly ushered the class to line side by side next to Izuku and Katsuki so he could tell the class what they would be doing.

"Today is simple, just pick a partner and fight. Though, don't kill each other," Aizawa sighed as he raised a hand to his head, he could already feel a headache forming just thinking about what the class would destroy this time. "The lesson today is more of a costume test if you will, but make sure to try some new moves out. Just do a sparring of two."

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