~ C h a p t e r 46 ~

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~ Lets go make that Yoshi! ~
> 2185 words <

Izuku trembled on the spot, tears still swelling up and gliding down his pale face, "I-...I don't know- I don't know how much I can take this-" he whimpered out, stumbling forwards.

Kai shook away her shock and rushed forwards, hugging the greenette tightly, "Shhh, it's okay," she cooed like a mother would do to their sobbing child. She slowly sat on the ground with Izuku clinging to her, "It's not a bad thing to like someone Izu."

"B-but-" Kai cut him off by pressing his face into her shoulder. She ruffled his hair with a soft smile.

"Izu, your allowed to like him. I know it hurts, but trust me you have a chance," she said as she tried to convince him, "I'm almost positive he likes you back, okay? So don't worry-"

"Kai you- you don't understand!" Izuku whimpered as he held Kai's shoulders tightly, his nails scratching into her skin. "I- I don't like this feeling of- of not being with him-... it hurts to not be next to him and I don't know why!" He cried out, "I don't- I don't like feeling clingy or or-... or like in a way it could be-"

Kai's eyes widened in understanding, "You don't want it to be a weakness to you... because when you were kidnapped you couldn't have any-... you had to be a perfect emotionless doll, or you would get hurt..."

Everything seemed to make sense in that moment- Izuku did vigilante work at first not out of enjoyment, no he must of hated fighting.

He must of thought it was his duty- that he had to do this. Because he always had to fight in the league. His whole world was brought around fighting.

And Izuku, who always had to work alone, knows and can do a lot of things so he doesn't have to ask others for help.

He doesn't like having a weakness, because in Izuku's past, having a weakness would essentially... get him killed.

And Katsuki is making him feel things he probably has never felt before, and to Izuku he doesn't know how to handle it.

Because he doesn't know how to handle this kind of love.

So he must... he must think it's a weakness.

And Kai won't be having any of that.

"Izuku... loving someone isn't a weakness," she chose her words carefully as she made sure the sniffling and sobbing greenettes in her arms didn't start having a panic attack.

Just in case.

"Everyone loves something or someone-... if anything it's great to have someone you love or care for, it gives your life more... meaning. It's normal to like someone and feel different things- it can get confusing, but it'll get better, okay?" She reassured.

The only response she got was Izuku nodding before they sat in silence.

Izuku tried his best to stop crying- they had to go back downstairs soon. And he wanted to talk to Tamaki and Kota and Eri.

But he felt better... but how was he to act the same near the blond?


"I say you take him out and around the city!" Kaminari said from his boyfriend, yes his boyfriend's, lap.

Kirishima (the boyfriend) just nods as he rested his head on Kaminari's shoulder.

"Yeah! Maybe even go to a café or something!" Mina said as she paced the room.

What room? Oh, well of course it's Mina's, "You should wear something casual- don't scare him away with anything fancy-"

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