~ C h a p t e r 74 ~

920 55 11

Quick A/N:
I've decided for dramatics im going to start making some chapters as long as they need to be, and not force a bunch of words to prolong a chapter to 2000 words ;))

I will still make a lot of them 2000+ words, just some of them I won't force it, does that make sense? :D

I don't know if I quite like this chapter buT OH WELL I MUST MOVE ON WITH MY LIFE



> 500 words <

The screen faded into consciousness. "Is it on?" A woman's voice sliced through the quiet.

The camera seemed to be panned to red grass. It was dark, but an orange glow flickered about. Some sort of murky liquid puddled on the ground, slowly spilling over more of the grass.

"Yes." The camera shifted, but it didn't move. The sound of crackling played into Izuku's ears from his earbuds.

Someone behind the camera laughed. Immediately a swarm of unease flooded into Izuku's stomach.

Was this...?

Distant yelling and shouting was like an empty void. Izuku shuddered. His pupils were blown wide, his brain instinctively wanting to see more. Wanting to understand more.

But curiosity killed the cat.

A small object was rolled on the ground. It was shiny and silver, and was tiny in size. It was a wedding ring. The edge was rimmed with curdled red.


It was blood.

Izuku knew he should turn this off. That he should hand this over to the adults. Although... he wanted to prove himself.

It was obvious-everyone was treating him like a damn child. Granted he is one, but he has already proved he is ready for this line of work.

He couldn't stop the video if he tried. Izuku couldn't move. He was stuck in place.

The camera panned upwards.

Very close to the camera was a house. Fire was pushed by the wind. The flames latched onto wood and leaves-anything flammable.

A gunshot bellowed in the distance and a wild, animalistic scream echoed.

Smoke covered the air like a giant cloud. Glowing ash dropped to the ground like rain. Like glowing, vermilion rain...

Wailing and crying and howling.

It was as if Izuku was in a room with speakers in every corner with the volume blasting.

He couldn't escape.

He couldn't move.

He was stuck.

A year trickled down his cheek as the camera moved, the person holding it walking down a pathway towards the yelling.

Towards the chaos.

Towards the death.

...could he had saved them? If Izuku had gone out earlier could he had saved them? If he had died when the league seemingly first tried to stab him and left him out to die... would they still be alive?

As the camera person runs, Izuku sees blobs and blurs of reds and greens on the screen. He sees streaks of flesh and what he is for certain was a severed hand.

Just like the man in Anastasia...

Something gooey and jelly like was on the floor in a giant pile, and the person holding the camera just walked over it as if it wasn't there at all.

They walked over the charred bones and blood as if it was nothing.

Why... why couldn't he have been there? Why wasn't he there...? He could of saved them.

Suddenly, the camera panned up, and Izuku saw...

Dread, guilt, and bile climbed up his throat...

...He saw the same pile of bodies he had seen just hours before...

Izuku promptly turned to the side and threw up.

I'm No Hero - Vigilante BNHAWhere stories live. Discover now