~ C h a p t e r 41 ~

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~ I'll always wait for you ~
> 2000 words <

Aizawa watched the talking students- man they could be loud.

Katsuki, the classes loud and explosion prone classmate, was quiet at his desk. The blond was surprising calm as his tapped his pen against his desk, staring at nothing.

It was weird- everyone seemed to notice it but when Kirishima pointed it out to the blond, he was yelled and threatened at.

So that was normal.

Aizawa hummed- maybe Katsuki was in a better mood because of him finding and being with Izuku?

If that's the case he should just partner them both up...

They had twelve more minutes till homeroom was finished.

"Shinsou," Aizawa said and the purple haired boy who sat behind the blond looked up and nodded.

Shouta pointed to the empty seat near Kaminari, "Sit there."

Without complaint Shinsou moved to the conveniently new seat that the class was talking about moments before.

That seat wasn't there last time they were in the classroom.

"You all may or may notice the empty chair," Aizawa said pointing to the empty seat behind Katsuki, whose eyes immediately lit up when he saw the empty seat was behind him.

Everything clicked- that's why Izuku had to take a backpack! He was going to join his class!

"We will be having a new student- well, technically two and a guest." He explained, "The next new student will be joining next week as we need to set up a plan for her quirk and problems that come along with that."

Aizawa sighed, they needed to find a blood substitute since Toga was so used to drinking blood. And they'll have to find an easier way to take blood from co-workers to help in battles... and when she started to go on patrols she could take enemy blood to get inside plans-

The teacher shook his head to clear his thoughts as Iida stood up, "A guest?" He asked a little confused, why were they getting a guest?

Aizawa nodded, "Well she'll be visiting around the school with the new helpers around the school."

"So like Hikari?" Uraraka asked and Aizawa shook his head no with a frown.

"Hikari left, he had a lot of work to do so we decided to get some other helpers," Shouta ignores the questions before moving on, "I assume you all saw the new restaurant near the dorms? You're allowed to go there to eat breakfast or lunch. The people who live there will be helpers for the school along with two students," he informed hastily just in time as the door to his class room opened but... it wasn't Izuku who entered.

It was a panting Eri, "YOU!" She yelled pointing at Katsuki as the class looked confused.

"Bakugou? Why is Eri here- and why is she mad at you?" Kirishima asked as Uraraka stood up; "Hey Eri It's been a while-"

"YOU LITTLE BITCH!" Eri roared, using some new language she picked up and running towards Katsuki upset, causing the blond to laugh and place a hand on her head as she continued to try and get closer, "I'll reverse you into a poptart and eat you in cold blood!"

"Eri!" A yell that was familiar to a few students was heard as a short greenette ran in the room, slamming the door behind him and grabbed Eri, throwing her over his shoulders.

"What did I say about threatening people!" Izuku said as he sat down at the empty seat, glaring at Aizawa.

Yes, he was still mad.

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