~ C h a p t e r 70 ~

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~ Letter By Letter ~
> 2212 words <
Light Gore & Light Arson
> Not Edited <

The wind ruffled at Izuku's vigilante outfit as he landed on the next roof. Hopping and jumping roofs at this point was easy-he barely thought about how if he tripped and fell, he would fall and land in ways that could break his bones. Jumping around was just second nature to Izuku.

Yet, even when Izuku started being Hikari, he was never afraid of falling. It might of been because at that moment, Izuku didn't fear death. He didn't care if he fell and bled out on the pavement of an alleyway.

It's because he didn't have anything to live for-or... anyone. Who would care if some random vigilante died?

But now he did-he had a life, two kids who were practically his children, and he had his best friends and mentors.

Oh, and not to mention Kacchan. He had Kacchan to live for-his amazing and outstanding boyfriend.

Honestly, how did Izuku end up so lucky? He had so many amazing people in his life...

What would of happened if he was never let out...?

But now, he found himself actually being more cautious on patrol. He tried to stop his more reckless behavior and turn over a new, safer leaf. One where he could save people, and he could live his own life.

But that didn't mean he wouldn't give his own life for someone else.

Footsteps were trailing behind Izuku-they were light and held a small echo-Aizawa was following him into the depths of the night, trying to find any crime going on below.

Surprisingly enough, lots of things could happen in one night. People who committed crimes loved alleyways...

Oh, Izuku would never call someone evil. Well that's a lie, a certain few he would. But Izuku believes in nurture bringing someone to who they are, and also other factors. No one is truly evil-everyone has reasons even if they say they don't.

Because something had to happen to them-emotional or physically-that made them do a crime. Or even a mistake. Or maybe it was just a person making a bad decision.

Though, everyone should take responsibility for their actions, big or small.

Like a murderer-yes, they killed someone, but why? Was it because they got hit upside the head one too many times falling off a swing? Was it because they were molested and abused as kids? Either way it shouldn't matter, they still committed the crime.

Izuku doesn't think people should be excused of their actions. He thinks deep down everyone is just human. Sure, villains should go to jail.

But the death penalty is a thing Izuku hates. It's still murdering someone. So what if they were a murderer and some would say deserved it, by killing another murderer is still killing.

Izuku sighed, he would rather see people be alone and by themselves in a prison cell rotting away. Though, everyone had their own opinions. And that was okay.

Using the roofs of buildings was the most practical way to find crimes happening is something Izuku found out when he started out as a vigilante. They had a higher viewing point, and they would be more unnoticed.

Because let's be honest, who looks up at a roof to try finding someone?

It was more stealthy anyways. And that's just what they needed.

"You know kid, you're actually pretty good at this," Aizawa offhandedly complimented as Izuku jumped up, getting onto a higher building without even using his hands.

I'm No Hero - Vigilante BNHAWhere stories live. Discover now