~ C h a p t e r 20 ~

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~ Detective Shouta ~
> 4557 words <

There was a... slight change of plans for the hero courses on what they were doing for the day. They were just going to do one on one battles, and whoever won would go against Izuku-Hikari. The class held a mixture of different emotions: excitement, nervousness, confidence, fear. The tense feeling of distraught and fear was all too familiar to Izuku. He had lived with that emotion practically tied to his heart for a good portion of his life. The first time someone was fearful of Izuku-well, fearful of Hikari-the early teen didn't know how to react. He thought he was... a monster.

Well, that was until he came to the realization that the person cowering from him was an abusive husband who had tried to shoot him just moments earlier. It was almost good, in a way, that people feared him. Sure it made Izuku feel... unsettled that people felt the same things he felt while locked in a cage for years, but... it was all part of his job. He needed people to fear him.

With eyes full of wonder, Izuku watched as Aizawa and All Might directed and organized the class. The wooden bench Izuku sat upon gave him almost a perfect seat to see what was about to happen and watch and analyze the class. The hero course was in a line, drawing numbers on who they were to fight. The antsy atmosphere of the class was easily shown from the way some students shifted their weight from leg to leg and how they would side-eye Hikari as if he was some sort of five-legged monster.

Although, this didn't bother Izuku. He knew he was... not normal. He could see why he could be seen as a monster. The villains who used to hoard him reminded him of how horrible he was daily. ...like how it was because of him his mother was dead...

There were a few rules, like no trying to kill anyone, don't break other's limbs, and more. But Izuku was himself, a little antsy in his seat. Admittedly he wasn't paying the most attention to what Aizawa was saying. Oh well, Izuku knew the basics. Izuku was in no way worried about who he was going to fight. No, he was excited and antsy for the note-taking he would be doing. A fresh, new notebook laid open on his lap, and multiple gel pens-yes this includes glittery gel pens-and different colored markers. Some of these markers had brushes, and it worked well for a slight tint of a caligraphy-like-font if he tilted the pen and the brush as he wrote.

Izuku was going to do slight quirk analysts on the students-just small notes and things he sees during the small battles along with maybe a few theories. Nezu had asked him what he wanted to do in his free time when he didn't have any classes, and it was hilarious how Nezu almost dropped his teacup when he said he wanted to do quirk analysts. It was even funnier when Nezu told him he actually had been doing small quirk analyst for a while now.

Nezu, of course, wanted to see how well he did, so they watched a one minute clip of Aizawa, or Eraserhead, fight off some villains. It was one of the only clips of Eraserhead fighting ever that was caught on camera and uploaded. Usually, since he stays in alleys and does underground work, not much can be found of the hero. Though, if someone looked hard enough, they would be able to find clips of three different videos, all during public attacks when Eraserhead needed to step in. Yes, there are more times the hero was in public attacks and disputes, but usually, they all get deleted and reported from the hero committee.

After Izuku analyzed the clip and showed off his bullet-pointed notebook page Nezu practically dropped his teacup from laughter. Apparently, Nezu told him he was a borderline stalker. Izuku shook his head; if anything Nezu was the stalker, trying to find out who he was. Izuku wasn't that stupid.

Okay, maybe it is stalkerish to investigate Nezu's room and find out what they knew about him.

And maybe he did change the age gap to be higher than the age of twenty-five because nineteen was just too close to his age. BUT HEY! Who could blame him? He didn't want people budding into his personal life. Izuku was... fine with how things were.

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