~ C h a p t e r 66 ~

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~ Promises ~
> 4111 words <

Katsuki Bakugou was worried.

Worried that he was right. Worried that the killer would target Kota and Eri. Worried that one of his classmates would get targeted.

And he worries if he is right, that Inko is the serial murderer. And... that could mean she's here for Izuku.

She would try taking his Izu. And that didn't stick right with Katsuki, not at all. She had already ruined both of their lives by separating them...

Katsuki doesn't know how he would deal with the pain of losing Izuku.

...maybe he should stick to his original plan of locking Izuku in a room or house, after all, Izuku was a trouble magnet. And Katsuki would have him all alone.

Actually that's a great idea, why didn't he do that from the start-

"You have to promise me, that no matter what you two will stick together, and always be besides at least two or three adults."

Izuku's voice broke through Katsuki's thoughts like a hammer, bringing Katsuki to reality. They were back at the house, Izuku was kneeling in front of the two children as he was practically commanding the kids to stay safe.

"No talking to strangers, even if they offer you poptarts OR apples, I'm looking at you Eri," Izuku took another all to fast breath before continuing, his hands tightly holding one of Kota's and one of Eri's, "No more running off by yourselves, we can't risk it, okay?"

And of course, Katsuki was beyond worried for Izuku at the moment. It seems as if this whole situation was creating a toll on the shorter already.

And Izuku knew why. Izuku has already lost people once-sure he got some back, but it was traumatizing-and he doesn't even want the chance of losing people again.

Especially not Eri and Kota, who were almost exactly in the age range this Miss Child Murderer targeted.

The two children nodded determinedly, eyes shining with tears after hearing what happened. "Don't worry Izu! We won't let you down!"

"Yeah d- Izu, we will never ever leave you, if I see a stranger approach me, I'll blast them with water!" Kota said, causing Eri to nod, a smile on her face.

"If we do get caught by her Izu, I'll reverse her so hard she will be stuck in... in that one place in Ant Man!" Eri said, chuckling darkly as she rubbed her hands together. "And no one will want to save her, so no one will make the portal thingy!"

Katsuki smiled at them as Izuku stood back up, but Katsuki frowned when he saw the forced, uneasy smile on Izuku's face.

As if he was trying to mask his thoughts, trying to show that he was okay.

That they shouldn't worry about how it's affecting Izuku.

But Katsuki was already worrying.

"Why don't we go watch the movie again!" Kota said with a smile, "Maybe we can learn how to do it together! Maybe we could bring water with her so she drowns!" The two kids bounded over to the living room, excitement radiating off them.

"Hmm, maybe later," Eri replies as she plopped on the couch, "I want to watch Black Panther again! It was a great movie, and the actor Chadwick Boseman was awesome playing the character-he was just an all around amazing actor though!"

After the two children left, Katsuki wanted to reach his arms around Izuku and pull him into a hug, to tell him everything will be fine and that he will be there for Izuku. Katsuki wanted to be there for the greenette...

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