~ C h a p t e r 12~

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~ Nightmares ~
> 2077 words <

It's been a few weeks, and the school year is starting soon.

By soon, it's tomorrow.

And Izuku is not in the best condition. He hasn't been getting much sleep and he started to get panic attacks anytime he couldn't understand something.

It was because now that he knew Katsuki was where he was going to work, the... the league could find him and...

They could kill him and Katsuki...

Because of Izuku's panicking he hasn't been eating much, and even when he does he can't always stomach it.

Eri noticed that he only ate lunch and asked him about it, but he blew her off.

He was fine.

He has been trying to act like everything the league told him and called him wasn't in his mind twenty-four-seven.

Maybe he truly was worthless-

Izuku slapped his face hard as he sat on the bathroom floor crying. He couldn't think that way. He was fine- he was just overreacting.

Everything was okay.

The greenette sniffles as he tried calming himself down by repeatedly telling himself that everything was okay and the league wouldn't even try finding his worthless ass anyways.

They got rid of him anyway, they wouldn't want him back...


Izuku was trying to mentally prepare himself to face Katsuki tomorrow without saying or hinting at anything that could lead to him finding out. That's if he saw him in person... but he would probably see him during the exam...

...was it bad he wanted him to find out...

Maybe he could hint it... would the blond say anything...?

No, he shouldn't... why would Katsuki even care about him?

Or why would he remember him..?

Izuku groaned as he wiped his eyes, moving the tears away and trying to clean his flushed and tear-stained face.

He could take another shower?

No, he shouldn't waste their water.

The greenette pulled the fluffy sleeves of his black sweater down, encasing himself in the warmth. He wasn't going to do his work today, even though he should. He needed to save lives...

But Eri wouldn't let him, she super glued all the windows shut and she is guarding the door currently...

He could get the glue off tomorrow, plus it was a good idea to sleep a lot today so he had energy for an entire school day.

Izuku stood up and unlocked the door before walking into his bedroom and knocking on the other door, "Eri," he called out in a raspy voice, "I'm going to sleep now."

She said a high pitched "Good night," from the living room.

Izuku plopped in his bed and buried his head in his pillow, willing himself to fall asleep.

It was weird not having Eri as a snuggle buddy, she has finally gotten her own bed and the guest room was decorated to her tastes after Izuku saved enough money up.

But it seemed like Eri wasn't leaving the living room anytime soon, then again she didn't need to sleep for another few hours.

It was only six at night, but they both knew Izuku needed to catch up on some sleep.

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