~ C h a p t e r 13 ~

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~ Welcome ~
> 2700 words <

When Izuku woke up again Eri didn't question him about it, she obviously knew he wasn't ready yet.

But she would cast glances at him as they ate downstairs in the restaurant. But Kai didn't seem to get the hint.

The bluenette gave Eri her orange juice and watched as Izuku was just moving his food around with a fork. It was weird for the two to be this quiet at five-thirty in the morning, usually, the two would be acting like they were on drugs.

"Eri..." she started off and they both looked up as she pointed to Izuku, "Did you walk in on this one mas-"

Izuku shot his hand up to cover her mouth and shook his head, "Kai! No!"

"What?" Eri asked innocently with a tilt of her head.

"Nothing Eri."

The little girl gasped before glaring accusingly at Kai, "Did you think I walked in on him ja-"


The white-haired girl pointed towards Kai and the bluenette shrunk away from Izuku's glare, "Someone had to teach her! Theirs some weird people in this world-"

"Kai," Izuku sighed before moving back to his seat and eating a bite of his toast before shoving the plate in front of him, "Just- just don't let her have you know what till she's of age-"

"What's that?"

Izuku raised an eyebrow, "What does she mean Kai? I thought you told her..."

"I mean I didn't tell her the entire thing just mainly ya know the one on one stuff."

Izuku facepalmed and looked at Eri with a tired smile, "Ask me in ten more years and I'll answer."

Kai coughed awkwardly and gained the greenettes attention, "So Izuku I changed your schedule as you asked. You will have shifts from five every morning that's a weekday to around seven-thirty in the morning starting tomorrow."

Izuku smiled, "Thanks, Kai! Now I don't have to worry about my other job!"

"You know you can quit here if you want, I heard Eri say your other job has a big pay."

"I kinda like it here though, so I'll work for just a little longer. Plus it gives me a reason to annoy you." Izuku took a sip of his coffee and swirled the cup with a sly smile on his face.

Kai shook her head and forgot about the whole conversation from before.


The first few hours of the day passed in a blur as Izuku left Eri with Kai.

Before he knew it he was already on his way to Nezu's office to get his schedule for the day.

He really wanted to see Katsuki... but...

He knew it would be better if he didn't, he didn't want a breakdown. He probably couldn't handle another one today.

Izuku opened up the door to Nezu's office and walked in after locking the door behind him. The principal waved; "Good morning Ari! You ready for today?"

Izuku nodded and smiled halfheartedly, "Of course I am, what will I be doing today?"

Silently he pleaded for any class other than the hero courses. He couldn't face Katsuki.

He was weak.

The red eyes and blond hair or even the smell and sound of his explosions. Maybe even Katsuki's voice could throw him into another flashback- good or bad.

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