~ C h a p t e r 22 ~

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~ S o r r y ~
> 2320 words <

Kai knew something was up when three people walked into her restaurant, and one had a bunch of scars.

Also who wears masks in public? And why isn't that girl in school?

Kai shrugged, they were living their best lives. And honestly, she thinks their rocking it.

"Hey you three! What would you like today?" She politely asked.

The girl giggled and walked to the counter, placing her arms on it as her blond hair shifted as she tilted her head, "Oh you're so pretty! Let's be best friends! What's your blood type?"

Kai smiled, "Hell yeah girl! And I'm blood type AB, wanna try?" She said jokingly, giggling awkwardly when he realized everyone was... acting serious.

The dude with the mask, stepped forwards as the other dude sighed, "You don't wanna do that- You definitely want to!"

Toga looked at her with wide eyes, "Really?"

Kai shrugged, rolling with the situation, "I mean I wasn't expecting this reaction, and now it's a little weird, but next time I get a paper cut I'll call you."

Toga nodded frantically as the scarred dude walked forwards, "Let's cut to the chase, this here is Toga, the dude with the weird mask looking thing is Twice-"


"And you can call me Dabi."

Kai nodded a little confused, why did this seem like a robbery?

The two went behind Dabi as he stalked forwards, looking Kai in the eyes, "Our boss told us our goal or person to find is seen over here a lot."

Kai cocked an eyebrow up, "Oh? And who may that be?"

"You might know him by another name, but..."

Dabi tilted his head, his monotone voice filling Kai's ears and she paled at the words he spoke:

"His name is Izuku."


A blond girl was with her two new friends; Dabi and Twice.

"Guys," she whined, twirling her knife around in her hand, watching the blade, "I'm bored!"

"Me too!" "Not me!"

Dabi groaned as he shut the blinds to their base- aka an abandoned shed in the woods.

"Toga, we can't do anything yet and you know this. We need to plan our first few attacks out."

"So? Whats the fun in that? I just want some blood," she huffed out, glaring at Dabi. He was her friend and all, but he was controlling.

Then again it was more like he was the parent of the group, making sure they wouldn't get into danger.

He was like... the mother hen.

The girl jumped up, "New nickname for mister grumpy pants!" She claimed, bouncing up and down before pointing to Dabi, "Mother Hen!"

Dabi deadpanned with a groan; why did he chose these people?

Then again; anything was better than his father...

He was about to deny the nickname when he caught sight of a purple mist forming, and he quickly grabbed his (though he hates to admit it) friend, dropping them to the floor and easily powering up his quirk so his hand was holding onto the blue burning flames.

I'm No Hero - Vigilante BNHAWhere stories live. Discover now