~ C h a p t e r 69 ~

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Side note: this is my first time writing anything along the lines of gore... so I'm sorry lmao. I tried-

Also yes, I made those spacers ;3

>Not Edited<

~ Dancing Embers ~
> 2288 words <
Arson, Murder, & Gore


Katsuki's firm answer echoed around the room, his crimson eyes fixated a glare on the pleading greenette.

Tears pricked at the edges of Izuku's eyes as he flailed his arms around, "But Kacchan! I'll be patrolling with Aizawa! You know he won't let anything bad happen to me!" Izuku's hair was cleanly brushed, and his face clean after he washed his face with Kai's instructions.

Kai was very adamant on Izuku cleaning his face with two different kinds of soaps, sea breeze, and some kind of weird prickly brush to get in his pores.

So of course Izuku looked like a shiny fucking emerald the afternoon he was trying to get Katsuki to agree to something. It was getting harder and harder for Katsuki to keep his answer the same. Who wouldn't want to give the emerald angel everything he wanted...?

But, Katsuki really didn't want Izuku out on patrol, especially now of all times.

"Izu, I fucking said no!" Katsuki practically growled as he wiped his hand over his sweating forehead. They both were just exercising-yes somehow Izuku still looked fucking perfect, while Katsuki was over here a sweating mess-in the living room.

Though, Izuku would gladly testify that Katsuki looked hot as hell in his loose top and shorts, sweat dripping down his built frame-Izuku was happy he could blush freely, he could easily blame it on what they were just doing.

"But Kacchan! It's my job!"

Izuku if anything needed to go out more now because of the serial killer. His arms practically trembled from the thought of not being there to save someone. The thought of someone dying when he could of saved them...

Hikari needed to go out and save people. Plus, working might distract Izuku just for a little bit.

"No!" Who in the devils fucking name thinks Katsuki will let his boyfriend-no, scratch that, his soulmate-out at night when theirs a serial child murderer? Especially when there's a chance it could be his abusive mother?! Izuku would be out there for hours! Something bad would happen in those hours if he wasn't careful!

It's not that Izuku isn't careful, it's that Izuku is a trouble magnet.

"But Kacchan! I'll have my phone connected so I can message you off Mint and I will be with our teacher!" Izuku leaned forwards, placing his hands on Katsuki's shoulders. Katsuki groaned, closing his eyes and shaking his head side to side.

"Please! What can I do to convince you?!" At this point Izuku was willing to do anything-do the dishes for a month, give Katsuki excuses to not go with friends, more cuddles, cleaning up the kitchen after baking, and more-at this point, with pleading eyes he stared at Katsuki closed ones as if the blond would be able to see him still. "I'll do anything!"

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