~ C h a p t e r 33 ~

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~ Closets ~
> 2000 words <

Izuku woke up right after surgery. Right when the medication went off.

So he was a little confused on why he was in a hospital bed. He was fine. They got the bullets! Why couldn't he leave.

Other people needed the room! He was fine.

He literally fought a nurse for his clothing back. He didn't want to wear a hospital gown. His injuries from the years would show.

So now he was wearing a black sweatshirt with holes in it and leggings.

And he really wanted to leave. But they locked the windows.

Stupid nurses and their perfect plans.

Izuku hates hospitals. He didn't deserve to be in one!

He needed to leave!

Because he slipped up. And he called Katsuki 'Kacchan.'

And the blond found out. So now, everyone was in danger because of him!

It was all because of him. It was his fault. Everything was his fault.

It had to be his fault- now he needs to practice an apology for the school!

When was it never his fault?

It was always his fault.

Always always always.

Izuku took a deep breath before looking around the room. They said he had visitors.

So that meant Kai.

That meant confrontation.

That meant Izuku should hide.

But if Kai was there that meant Aizawa calles her. So that meant he was there.

And that meant Katsuki would maybe be here.

And... Izuku can't deal with the guilt right now...

But he didn't want to see anyone right now...

He failed...

He couldn't take down those villains by himself...

Izuku felt like a ton of bricks was weighing him down as he walked into his private bathroom.

He needs a place to hide.

He looked around the room, looking for a closet.

Izuku always hid in closets. Their small and an unexpected place for people to look.

Because it's hard to fit in with the shelves.

So people look by it.

Izuku caught sight of a closet and immediately opened it, and got on his knees as he crawled under the shelves and closed the closet door.

His knees were near his face as he hugged them.

His leg hurt, and it felt weird. Izuku sighed, he must of messed with it by moving.

The nurses did tell him to not move...

But like fuck he would listen to them. He wanted to be alone.

This was his punishment he gave himself.


The group finally made it to the room. Normally not this many people could go at once, but Katsuki may have done some threatening.

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