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renjun actually had been awake for a while now and just listened to jeno and jaemin fight, and listened to the truth both jeno and jaemin couldn't tell him. it broke his heart to hear both of them fight, because they never fought like this before. especially when he's the reason of their fight.

renjun opened his eyes slowly, "j-"

renjun wasn't even able to finish what he was saying when jeno and jaemin ran to him. jaemin held renjun's hand and started crying. he's just happy to see renjun awake. while jeno was just there beside renjun and happy to see renjun again.

"are you okay? how do you feel? do you need anything? do you want me to open the curtains?" jaemin asked as calm as he could so he wouldn't make renjun panic.

renjun smiled at jaemin and shook his head.

"renjun, i know this isn't the right time for me to ask this, but if you had to pick between me and jaemin, who would you pick?" jeno asked.


jaemin knew renjun would obviously pick jeno because jeno is his first love, so jaemin just stood up so he could leave them both alone have their alone time.

"i knew it-"

"i don't want you anywhere near me or jaemin ever again." renjun continued.

jaemin couldn't believe his ears. he had to look back and made sure he heard the right thing.

"w-what are you talking about, renjun? wasn't i your first love? if you're doing this because i rejected you in high school, let me make it up to you. i'll do anything. let's start over again." jeno said.

"your first words to me after i woke up from getting shot and after seeing each other again for years is enough for me to stay away from you. the person you like just got shot and the first thing you'd ask is who i would choose between you and your best friend? jaemin might not tell me all those things he's done for me, but i see it. i saw all of it. i knew how he gave up a lot of things just to protect me and just to be with me."

"GET OUT, JENO. OUT!"renjun screamed with all his might.

"and oh, before you leave, you weren't my first love. you were just my first crush. there's a big difference. stop dreaming." renjun added.

jeno had no choice but to get up and leave. but before he did, he looked at jaemin with anger in his eyes and finally left. 

"so does that mean..." jaemin spoke.

"you're my first love, na jaemin. you are-"

renjun couldn't even finish his sentence when jaemin kissed him.  

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