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taeyong's phone suddenly rang after he left doyoung's placec it was jisung.

he answered it and was surprised by the loud greetings from jisung.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY HYUNG!!!!! I HOPE YOU WON'T STOP ON NAGGING CHENLE BECAUSE I'M LIVING FOR IT. ANYWAYS, I LOVE YOU!" jisung screamed through the phone and it seems like chenle is there, too.

before taeyong could even thank him, chenle and jisung started bickering again.

"do you know that i fucking hate you?" chenle told jisung.

"you love me," jisung said and laughed.

"no i don't! try me bitch," chenle said.

"okay, the. you're banned from my room," jisung said.

"FINE," chenle said.

"then leave, right now," jisung dared chenle.

"NO, JISUNG WAIT-" chenle said.

"thank you, jisung!" taeyong thanked jisung.

"and can you stop flirting even for just today? jesus fucking christ," taeyong complained.

"cranky much?" jisung asked.

"disgusted much," taeyong responded.

"anyways, thank you jisung," and taeyong ended the call.

taeyong got ready and went to the garden he always goes to every year on his birthday. but he always went with doyoung, whom he could pick flowers with. but this time, he's alone for the first time since he met doyoung.

when he arrived at the garden, he picked the flowers by himself, with a very gloomy mood.

"taeyong?" someone spoke from behind.

taeyong turned around and said, "seulgi?"

"it is you!" she girl said.

when taeyong wad sure it was seulgi, his childhood best friend who shared the same birthday with him, he hugged her tightly.

"oh my god! it's been so long!" taeyong exclaimed after hugging seulgi.

"i know! how are you?" seulgi said.

"i'm doing great actually. why are you here?" taeyong asked.

"i was promoted in my work so they had to transfer me here! i was actually really excited when i knew i had to work here, because, gosh it's been years since we last saw each other!"

"how many years has it been?" taeyong asked.

"isn't it... 4 years!" taeyong and seulgi said at the same time.

"oh by the way..."

"happy birthday!" they both said in unison, again.

"why do we keep saying things at the same time?" taeyong asked and they both laughed.

"you're still picking flowers on your birthday?" seulgi asked as they walked.

"yeah," taeyong responded.

"still magnolia, huh?" seulgi asked.

"it's my favorite flower after all," taeyong said.

"are you not forgetting something?" seulgi asked.

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