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"jaemin, listen!"

"how is this possible?! how can you be talking to me when you're standing in front of us?!" jaemin asked.

"that's what i'm about to tell you! that's not me, obviously. and i'm not related to that man at all!" jeno explained.

"what do you mean?" jaemin asked.

"seulgi is my ex-girlfriend and she's crazy! she's literally a lunatic! she bailed from jail to take taeyong and keep him for herself for the rest of her life! she took her sister, lisa with her, too. she prepared all of these for a long time, now. she searched for a man who almost had the same features as i do and copied my exact face by plastic surgery. i've connected the dots," jeno hurriedly explained.

"oh god, what?!" jaemin exclaimed.

"hurry! she doesn't play with her words. whatever she says, has to be done. she will kill all of you if that means keeping taeyong for herself," jeno said.

jaemin was about to thank jeno when he saw renjun literally in front of that guy, renjun not knowing that isn't jeno, but a total stranger.

"renjun, NO—"

a loud noise was heard from the gun and blood was gushing out of renjun's stomach. jaemin's eyes widened and a tear left his eyes and he ran as fast as he could to renjun so renjun wouldn't fall to the ground.

"RENJUN!" jaemin screamed.

chenle got so angry, he took his gun from his car, but instead of pointing it to the guy who just shot his friend, he pointed it to seulgi's direction.

when johnny saw that the guy was about to shoot chenle, johnny punched him, making him let go of the gun. johnny took the opportunity to kick the gun away, starting a chaos.

while they were all fighting, lisa and seulgi also were fighting inside the car. like who's going to stay inside and who's leaving the car. they're both passing each other an object.

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