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taeyong: what?! what happened to chenle?

jisung: no time to explain! just come here!

taeyong rushed to chenle's as fast as he could. trying to hold all the bags he's carrying. he's literally all over the place.

"i swear park jisung and zhong chenle. if this is one of your stupid pranks again, i don't know what i might do to the both of you."

when taeyong got to chenle's house, one of the servants took taeyong's bags and greeted him. they knew taeyong for a long time now, so it's no surprise for them.

"hi, how are you? where is chenle?" taeyong asked one of their servants.

"i'm doing great, sir. he's in his bedroom," she responded.

"alright! thanks," taeyong said and went to chenle's bedroom as fast as he could.

"taeyong! do you want some cookies?" chenle's mom asked him as he struggled to run on the stairs.

"no, auntie, thank you!" taeyong said and continued to go to chenle.

he was confused why his own mother wasn't worried.

when taeyong got in, jisung immediately hid his phone like he's hiding something that should be seen, especially to taeyong. but it didn't really matter to him. what mattered to him was chenle who fell ill, and who's currently laying on his bed with his eyes closed.

"park jisung, what happened?" taeyong asked chenle.

"do you have to call me with my whole name?" jisung asked.

"JUST ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTION," taeyong said, raising his voice.

"okay! okay, we went out because it was our very first date and he ordered something and i think he got a stomach ache because of it?"

"thank god it's not that serious," taeyong sighed in relief.

but taeyong suddenly noticed that jisung was like eyeing chenle. it's like chenle's awake and he's sending a message to him.

"what are you-"

taeyong turned around to look at chenle, but when he looked back, chenle was in a deep sleep. now taeyong is totally confused.

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