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weeks later, jungwoo noticed the change in his boyfriend's mood.

lucas usually would fight back when jungwoo raises his voice, but he was just too weak to even raise his voice at jungwoo. he'd just respond with "leave it, woo. i'm tired."

jungwoo just couldn't bear to see his boyfriend like this. and the other week while he was cleaning lucas' room, he saw a very familiar shirt but couldn't remember, "maybe it's a new shirt" jungwoo shrugged.

taeyong wanted to eat dinner with all of them, jungwoo took the chance to ask who owns the shirt.

while everybody was in the living room, taeyong and doyoung were in the kitchen and taeyong asked, "how are you and lucas doing?"

"i'm great but i don't know with lucas though," doyoung said as if he hasn't been with lucas all the time.

"what do you mean you don't know? aren't you and lucas together all the time?"

"nah, i stopped seeing him. it's getting kind of boring. all we do is kiss in his bedroom."

"doyoung!" taeyong silent screamed and slammed the knife to the chopping board.

"what? i met a new guy," doyoung said showing a little smile.

"a new what?! and you ended it just like that with lucas without even telling him what's wrong?!"

doyoung just shrugged.

"what's his name? and what does he look like?" taeyong asked, continuing slicing the meat.

doyoung showed a photo of him and that guy he's seeing.

"we actually met yesterday—"


"uhm kinda...?"

"oh god" taeyong just shook his head and continued what he was doing.

"his name is johnny and we met at that bar three blocks away and i guess he just came back from vacation because his work is here. i think he's from america."

"does he have a girlfriend or a boyfriend?"

"yeah but he's in thailand i think."

taeyong scratched his head out of frustration, "really? you're still not the main character?"

"correction, mr. lee, side bitch. i'm the side bitch. didn't you realize why i would rather be the side bitch? that is because because if you're the side bitch, you're fresher than the original bitch. johnny is like so sick of his current relationship so he searched or found a new one, which is me, of course, i'm better."

"besides, i've been doing this for years already, yong. get over it." doyoung said and rolled his eyes a little.

he had been hearing things like this from doyoung normally, but that kinda hurt him.

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