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taeyong had been doyoung's best friend since doyoung's first heart break which was ages ago.

taeyong caught doyoung crying while they were watching a movie. what's wrong with that? they were watching a horror movie and he's crying. since then, taeyong started taking care of doyoung when he's sick, or in pain. physically or not.

he lets doyoung rant all he wants, he brings doyoung to a place where he can scream and let go of his pain whenever he's hurt.

the same with doyoung. he and taeyong had been close ever since. and taeyong is the first person doyoung ran to whatever happens.

he's hungry? he runs to taeyong.
he's sad? taeyong.
he's happy? taeyong.
he's angry? taeyong.
he's excited about something? taeyong.

for some reason, he can't stay mad at taeyong for more than one minute because taeyong would look so adorable whenever he's sad or about to cry.

and also include the fact that taeyong is fragile.

doyoung once raised his voice at him accidentally taeyong was so surprised he started crying in front of doyoung.

doyoung felt really bad and immediately hugged taeyong while continuously apologizing and patting his head and rubbing his back. just like a baby.

doyoung never lets anybody in his bedroom because he thinks a bedroom is a private space that nobody is allowed to enter. even his past boyfriends, he never let them in. but he lets taeyong in all the time. taeyong doesn't even need to knock before entering his room. they're that close.

taeyong is a song writer, so taeyong never release a song without asking doyoung if he likes it or not. doyoung tells his opinion honestly, and if he does like it, taeyong immediately sends his song to be worked on. and if he doesn't he'll literally work on it all over again until doyoung likes it. most of taeyong's songs were sung by doyoung.

but how come they never ended up together? because taeyong dates girls and he rarely dates. that's why.

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