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chenle drove as fast as he could but taeyong noticed chenle wasn't going anywhere near a hospital.

"chenle, where are we going? i thought you said doyoung got in an accident?" taeyong asked.

"yeah, he did!" chenle responded.

"then why are we going to the building of our apartment?!" taeyong asked.

"that's literally why they called me! i'm still a nursing student i haven't even practiced anything yet! and they said doyoung hyung wants to go home," chenle explained.

when they both arrived at the building of their apartment, they both ran inside.

"where are you going? this is doyoung's apartment! that's mine!" taeyong told chenle.

"they were in a chaos that they brought him to your place!" chenle said.

taeyong just put the code on his apartment when loud screaming's welcomed him.

"SURPRISE!" all of their friends were there, surprising him on his birthday.

taeyong was so startled by the current events. he wasn't expecting any of these to happen. but he's really glad nobody's hurt and that he's best friend is okay.

taeyong just sobbed and ran to doyoung's arms and hugged him tightly. doyoung was holding the cake so the cake almost fell to the ground so he had to give the cake to kun for a while.

"hey, hey, hey. why are you crying? you should be happy! we all should be. it's your birthday! why are you crying?" doyoung asked him, caressing his back.

"do you have any idea how worried i was?"

doyoung wiped taeyong's tears gently and stared into taeyong's eyes.

but he started talking before taeyong could hear his heart almost bursting.

"shh, i'm here now. i'm safe, see? nothing happened to me. i just want to make sure this day, your day is special. because i know other than your birthday, that this day is special to you. and of course, to me too," doyoung said, smiling at taeyong, cheering him up.

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