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TRIGGER WARNING!! death, suicide

he heard knocking on the door, but he ignored it as he was getting ready to kill himself.

"taeyong! open the door, i know you're there, open up!" johnny knocked.

"we have something to tell you! open the door." yuta screamed from outside.

still, he's ignoring them.

taeil came running from the cctv control room.

"johnny, kick the door over. NOW!" taeil exlaimed.

"what? what are you talking about? he might get mad! you know how taeyong is." johnny said.

"he won't, because he wouldn't be able to, if you don't kick that door open now." taeil said.

"what are you talking about?" johnny asked, and is very confused.


johnny didn't hesitate to break taeyong's door down and saw taeyong barely breathing. 

"TAEYONG!"doyoung screamed and ran to where taeyong is and carried him in his arms.

taeyong could barely open his eyes but he still tried to. 

"d-doyoung? yo-you're... you're alive."

"yes,  you stupid brat! i'm alive and what do you think you're doing? you can't leave me after lecturing me that you can't live without me!" doyoung cried. 

"y-you heard that?" taeyong asked. 

"i heard everything. now, don't leave me! i fucking love you!" doyoung said. 

"i... i love you too." taeyong responded. 

doyoung pulled taeyong for a kiss while tears fell from their eyes, before taeyong completely passed out. 

they brought him to thehospital and the doctor said he'll be okay and could go hoe in a few days. 


"imagine what could've happened if you didn't wake up and you didn't save me," taeyong asked doyoung. 

"we both couldn't live without each other anyways. i'm glad you found me in that playground that day." doyoung said as he caressed taeyong's hand. 

"you're right. what did you like about me anyway?" taeyong asked. 

"you're smile and laugh." doyoung answered. 

doyoug smiled and held taeyong's hand and looked straight to taeyong's eyes. 

"my laugh? why? is it because i laugh like a dying while?" taeyong laughed. 

"no, silly. it's because whenever i hear you laugh and see you smile, i feel this warmth. feels like home. like i belong to you and i'd feel cold without you." 

"then why didn't you tell me earlier? you had to kiss multiple of other guys in my face. hurts like hell, you know?" taeyong said. 

"that's because i already knew that you liked me and i didn't wanna ruin the friendship we had. i'm afraid that if i tell you the truth, i'd just hurt you."

"what changed your mind?" taeyong asked. 

"the thought of breaking our friendship did hurt, but what hurts more is not to be able to hold you and love you the way i wanted to. i realized i could risk anything for you and that you were the only person i needed. and it was the best decision i've ever made." 

taeyong was trying not to cry from doyoung's words. taeyong felt the same, of course. 

torn between losing your best friend, and not being able to show your love no matter how much you wanted to. 



"we've been dating for almost three years now."

"let's get married. marry me." doyoung added. 

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