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"BULLSHIT!" jungwoo exclaimed.

everybody were surprised by jungwoo's sudden action.

"i might be silent, but i'm not blind, hyung."

taeyong had to tell chenle and jisung to stay in bedroom for a while because they have a situation to deal with. they obeyed, since they can see it's a serious matter.

"look jungwoo—"

"this shirt was the shirt you gave doyoung in front of us, isn't it? you literally gave this shirt in front of all of us. how could i— we forget that day? that's the shirt he had been wanting to buy and you bought it for him as a gift, he was so happy he accidentally kissed you, on the lips." jungwoo said, with tears in his eyes and anger taking over him.

taeyong just bit his lips softly and looked down.

"and you're really defending both of them when i'm the obvious victim here?" jungwoo asked in disbelief.

"what do i expect? that's doyoung. you'd do anything for him, right? cook for him, clean his shit, cover up him, literally just every fucking thing you could think of."

"jungwoo, i'm really so—" lucas was about to apologize to jungwoo.

but jungwoo slapped him as hard as he could, it made lucas turn his head and his cheek printing jungwoo's hand and turning red, "don't you ever apologize because you're caught. apologize because you mean it. and i will never believe that you're truly and deeply sorry because you had all the chance to tell me the truth, but instead you let me fucking find it out myself, by leaving his shirt in your apartment. you thought i didn't hear you when you were making out?"

doyoung was about to go to jungwoo and explain, but jungwoo raised his arm, as a sign of telling him not to go anywhere near him.

"don't you dare come near me or i'll do worse that slapping you, you fucking snake. i don't ever, i mean EVER want to see your face again," jungwoo said, and was about to storm out.

"what do you mean?" taeyong asked.

"i'm moving apartments," and he left.

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