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"taeyong, i know. i've heard you say that for like more than the fingers of all 23 of us in this building." doyoung rolled his eyes and continued doing what he was doing with his phone.

"doyoung, you know i'm saying all of these for your sake, right? i just don't want to see you getting hurt! you agreed to date lucas?! doyoung, come on. he's currently with jungwoo! and jungwoo is your ex boyfriend! don't you wanna think about this, again?" taeyong said taking doyoung's phone away from his hands and crossed his hands.

doyoung, again, rolled his eyes and went to water his plants while his best friend among the 23 of them nagged at him.

"calm down, taeyong. jungwoo will never know! plus, lucas talked to me first, that means he already hurt jungwoo. what can i do? i guess, everybody wants me," doyoung laughed and brushed his hair with his free hand while he watered his plants.

"ugh! if you get hurt for the nth time, don't come crying to me or tell me i didn't warn you—"

"you say that everytime i start to date a guy yet you still end up take care of me," doyoung said and pinched taeyong's nose.

taeyong was surprised with his sudden action but brushed it off.

"doie, please get in a relationship where you wouldn't get hurt. i hate to see you coming home, soaked in tears every time you get dumped," taeyong said.

"taeyong, it's fine. i'm fine, don't worry about me, okay?" doyoung said and whispered something.

"what did you say?" taeyong asked, thinking doyoung cursed at him again.

"nothing, you big baby." doyoung said getting all soft because taeyong called him by his nickname again.

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