46 - end

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two years later, wedding day.

red roses. red carpet. strong winds from the seashore. white suit. excited people.

"how are you doing?" johnny went to check on doyoung who's hands are cold as hell because he is so nervous.

"not doing good." doyoung answered as he continued to walk back and forth.

"hey, calm down. you'll be fine. you look good already! stop worrying will you? you'll do great. i know it. i just know it."

"taeyong?! taeyong what are you doing here? you can't be here!" kun said as he pushed him out of doyoung's changing room.

"i just want to talk to him-"

"there's no time! you can't talk to him right now-" kun said as he pulled taeyong away.

an hour later

doyoung looked at his soon to be spouse with tears in both their eyes as their chests pound out of excitement and happiness.

"our love is conditional and powerful."

"our love is conditional and powerful." they both said.

"...i give you my heart and my love forever." they said in unison.

"you may kiss the..."

a year ago


"taeyong, not now. can't you see i'm busy? i have a lot of paperworks to do and i have to manage those interns." doyoung said as he dropped his bags on his and taeyong's floor and ran to his desk to check the papers he still has to do.

taeyong just nodded, "i understand."

as days go by, doyoung's response was the same.

"taeyong, i'm busy."
"taeyong, not now."
"taeyong, maybe later?"

and whenever taeyong asks him out on a date on weekends, he's not around because of his work or his staying at his office until early in the morning.

"doyoung, how about now?" taeyong who was desperate for his boyfriend's attention, asked.

"taeyong..." doyoung sighed and put his hand on his forehead out of frustration.

"i knew your promotion would affect our relationship." taeyong said under his breath.

"what did you just say?" doyoung asked as he got off from his seat.


"i'm asking you, lee taeyong."

"FINE. you want the truth? i'll give you the fucking truth!"

"we haven't had a long talk for three months already, you never said i love you sincerely, you always faced your back whenever we sleep, we don't have meals together anymore, you don't have time for me anymore, and... you always called my name instead of what we called each other before. i waited for you and watched you kiss hundreds of different people and cried almost every night because of you and you pay me by doing this?" taeyong said.

"oh, now you're going to use the way you waited for me as a defense?! i'm doing this work for the both of us-"

"I NEVER ASKED YOU TO WORK FOR US! I was happy with my work. I was happy to help the both of us, to pay for our bills. I never asked you to do this alone." taeyong cried.

"so what, you're blaming me for working hard, now?" doyoung said furiously.

taeyong just sighed and looked away as his tears fell down.

doyoung got hurt when he saw taeyong's tears me so he held him in his arms but taeyong pushed him away, "don't fucking touch me."

"do you want this to end?" taeyong asked.


"i'm asking you. do you want this to end?" taeyong asked the second time.

doyoung didn't answer for a while.

"alright. fine." taeyong said and started to walk away.

"TAEYONG, I NEVER SAID ANYTHING LIKE THAT!" doyoung tried to stop him.

"but you hesitated." taeyong replied, his back still facing doyoung.

taeyong closed his eyes and tears fell down.

taeyong started to walk away but what doyoung said made him stop.

"if you walk another step, then the wedding is off." doyoung threatened.

taeyong slid the ring off of his finger and walked away.

present time

"you may kiss..."

taeyong cried and clenched his arms, out of breath.

"...the bride."

doyoung unveiled his newly wedded wife and kissed her on the lips. i love you so much, sejeong.

taeyong watched from a distance and caught doyoung's eyes. he smiled one last time before finally leaving.


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