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doyoung slowly opened chenle's door, "chenle?"

"hyung, please go away," chenle said, and threw another book from his shelf. he does this when he's upset.

"i saw it already. what's wrong?" doyoung asked and sat beside chenle.

chenle looked at doyoung slowly and started crying.

"hey, hey. what's the matter? you know you can tell me anything."


"i fell in love with jisung," he said, wiping his tears.

"i know. we all do. now can you tell me what's happening between you two?" doyoung asked rubbing chenle's back and giving him a bottle of water.

chenle sighed.

"no, wait, tell me everything from the beginning," doyoung said.

"remember when jisung and i ditched our first movie night together after taeyong hyung moved in?"

"oh, yes! how could i forget that? you two—"


"yeah right, continue."

"that was because jisung had to sleep so he could stay with me the whole night because i had to study for my exams. he knew how much i hate to study alone. and he also knew how much it made me feel better whenever he's around. he just.."

"...takes the pressure away," chenle sighed.

"and then one day, jisung got really sick and it was my exam day. i was so worried i kept on thinking about him. if he was doing okay, or not."

"i was confused with what i was feeling... i just brushed ut off and told myself that this is only happening because he's my best friend. but, no. because it happened again."

"he was supposed to be with me because i had to study all night, but it was also his friend's birthday, so..."

"so?" doyoung asked.

"so he completely forgot about me and i had to study all alone. my anxiety was killing me because i was alone and because he wasn't around. i barely passed because of it, because of him," chenle spoke.

"then why did you stop talking to him if you were both that close?"doyoung asked.

"because if i told him what i really feel, he might not feel the same way and our friendship will be over. i would rather let the pain take over me than losing my best friend," chenle said.

"but you kind of did...?" doyoung said.

"i never stopped talking to him. or stopped making sure if he's okay," chenle responded.

"hold on..." doyoung said while raising his fore finger.

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