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"today is supposedly chenle and jisung's third month since they got together—"

"woah, woah, woah. what do you mean third month?! it's been only weeks, isn't it?!" doyoung asked.

"weeks? hell nah! 3 months had passed already, sir," renjun said as he put his feet on top of jaemin's.

"maybe you just didn't notice that it had been so long because you haven't been sleeping and you weren't aware of the date," chenle said.

"that's why his body looks like that," kun said.

"now, please tell us the truth, doyoung. tell us everything. you know you can trust us. we're your friends!" kun said, encouraging doyoung to open up.

doyoung sighed, and started talking and his first words are, "i like taeyong."

nobody reacted and just waited for him to continue talking.

"did you not hear what i just said? i said—"

"WE KNOW!" everybody screamed.

"OKAY! OKAY," doyoung

"so... uh... he had been hanging out with this girl he introduced to us on his birthday, seulgi and he hasn't been talking to me ever since," doyoung said.

"us, too! we haven't seen him for a while now, whenever i go to his place, he's not there. i tried to go late at night, early in the morning, he's just not there. i even tried calling him but he won't answer, but he messages me and told me not to disturb him because he's working overtime," lucas said.

"what? lucas, he's a cook at a restaurant. he can't be working over time. it closes at 9 pm, then he goes straight home," doyoung said.

"that's strange..." johnny said.

"you can't talk, shut up," ten told him.

"hold on... do you remember what taeyong said that night when the party ended?" kun asked.

"that there was never a day where he didn't spend his time talking to either doyoung or any of us, and he thinks that day will never come," kun said.

"but, wasn't he drunk?" jaemin asked and pushed renjun's feet away from his lap.

"taeyong's words are more sincere and genuine when he's drunk than when he's sober," doyoung said.

"what if..." yuta wondered.

"no... NO IT CAN'T BE. NO..." doyoung said, getting extremely frustrated.

"we'll never know unless we find out," jungwoo said.

"but how?" they asked.

doyoung suddenly ran to taeyong's place and ten, johnny, lucas, jungwoo, chenle and jisung following him.

doyoung unlocked taeyong's apartment, since he's the only one who knows it, then they all entered taeyong's place.

doyoung went to his living room, he wiped his finger through the glass table in his living room, and there were dust, he went checked the corner of his room, and there were cobwebs.

"shit," doyoung cursed.

"WHAT? WHAT'S WRONG?!" ten asked, getting tense.

"he hasn't been home for a long time now," doyoung said, almost tearing up.

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