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someone suddenly knocked on chenle's door.

chenle was about to stand and open the door but doyoung did it instead.

"i'll get it, stay here."

"taeyong?" doyoung said as he opened the door.

taeyong sat beside chenle and caressed his back, "are you okay?"

chenle shook his head no and looked on the floor.

"jisung fell asleep," taeyong told chenle.

doyoung sat back down on chenle's bed and asked, "don't you wanna talk to him? he won't know anyways."

"i don't know... why do i feel like he doesn't want to talk to me anymore?"

"hey, don't say that. he won't even know if you went there because he's sleeping isn't he?" taeyong said and squeezed chenle's arm, encouraging him.

"how long has he been out?" chenle asked taeyong.

"i think for more than 10 minutes?" taeyong responded.

"he's a heavy sleeper. he's probably in a deep sleep now. especially after crying that hard."

"then go!" doyoung and taeyong said in unison.

chenle stood up slowly and went to jisung's place. he's still hesitant to open the door.

chenle opened the door eventually very slowly and checked if jisung's asleep.

there he was, laying on his bed, sleeping peacefully.

chenle sat beside jisung on his bed slowly and gently so he wouldn't wake jisung up and held jisung's hand slowly, like he always does.

"jisung, i'm sorry. i'm sorry that you think that i don't care. i'm sorry for not being able to wipe your tears. i'm sorry i couldn't be always there. i'm sorry for making you cry. i'm sorry for hurting you. you know i'm only doing this to save us both and of course, our friendship," chenle just started yet he's already crying.

"i know i'm not always the best. i can't always make you happy. but i know, at least, i can keep you safe and take care of you. even if you don't know it," he continued, while trying to breathe, cry and talk.

"i make a lot of mistakes, yes. and if one day, when the right person comes to your life, i hope that person would make you happiest man alive and make your smile the most precious thing there could be."

"because, i can't. i would only give you pain. i can tolerate the pain, but seeing you get hurt by me, is unbearable. you're that important to me—"

"you talk too damn much, zhong chenle," jisung suddenly opened his eyes.

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