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taeyong was currently folding doyoung's clothes in his bedroom because he knew doyoung would be so lazy in doing it again and would still ask taeyong to fold it for him anyways.

taeyong knew every clothing doyoung owned so while he was folding, he saw a shirt that doyoung never wore or bought until he realized it was lucas'.

he stared at the shirt for a while with an unusual expression on his face until he decided to bring the shirt back to lucas.

he went to lucas' room and saw that it wasn't closed, he was about to push it open until he heard kissing sounds.

he was about to go because he wanted jungwoo and lucas have their time until he heard jungwoo's voice approaching him from behind.

"taeyongie hyung~! why are you lurking outside xuxi's room?" jungwoo asked removing his mask.

taeyong's eyes widened. he looked at jungwoo and then back at the room and then back at jungwoo again and then back at the room again.

"if jungwoo's here who the fuck—" he whispered under his breath so jungwoo wouldn't hear.

he suddenly dropped lucas' shirt and was literally panicking on the inside after he heard doyoung moan from lucas' room.

"what's wrong, hyung?" jungwoo asked and chuckled. he was about to push lucas' room open when taeyong stopped him.

"you— you know what jungwoo? i— i—" he suddenly remembered he was cooking tteokbokki. it was supposedly for him and doyoung but he has to save doyoung.

"i am currently cooking tteokbokki! yes! didn't you say you were hungry?" taeyong said with a wide smile.

"i didn't even say it yet— you heard my stomach? is it that loud?" jungwoo asked, kind of surprised.

"y-yeah!" taeyong was glad that jungwoo is really hungry. well, jungwoo is always hungry that's why he knew his plan would work.

"go to the kitchen first, i'll follow later." taeyong said and tried to smile.

taeyong just sighed and shook his head. but before he left, he made sure he closed lucas' bedroom.

it made doyoung look at the door stop what they were doing.

"why did you stop? let's continue." lucas said and was about to kiss doyoung again but he covered lucas' mouth.

"you just saw and heard that, right?"

"heard and saw what?" lucas asked.

"the door just closed! what if it was jungwoo?" doyoung asked.

doyoung got off lucas' lap and slowly opened the door and was glad to see nobody but he saw lucas' shirt on the floor.

he picked it up and said, "taeyong."

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