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taeyong was so confused so he asked jisung, "what are you doing?"

"nothing! could you stay with chenle for a while? my brother had something to talk to me with and chenle's mom asked me to buy medicine for chenle," jisung said.

"sure, but how long will you be gone?" taeyong asked.

"couple of hours, maybe?" jisung said while putting his phone on his pocket.

"oh just a couple of hours— COUPLE OF HOURS?! jisung is still have to cook! it's almost 5 and i haven't cooked anything yet—"

"we can order! thanks hyung! love you!" jisung said and closed the door behind him.

"jisung— uGH THAT KID!" taeyong groaned.

taeyong stayed there for almost three hours when chenle's phone suddenly rang.

taeyong was about to pick it up for him but chenle suddenly woke up and answered his phone himself, startling taeyong.

"you're awake! how do you—" taeyong was cut off by chenle raising his forefinger asking him to shut up.

taeyong was about to mouth a 'sorry' but chenle suddenly screamed, "HE WHAT?!"

"why? what's happening? is something wrong?" taeyong asked.

chenle stood up quickly and took his coat and keys.

"woah, woah. slow down, chenle. what's happening?" taeyong asked.

"it's doyoung hyung..." chenle started.

"WHAT?! WHAT HAPPENED TO DOYOUNG?!" taeyong started panicking.



"he got in an accident. so let's go before it's too late!" chenle said.

and with that being said, taeyong went black for more than ten seconds. he just stood there blankly, he didn't know what to do. he didn't know what he'd do if he lost his best friend.

chenle pulled taeyong, but he didn't move. when ghe slapped taeyong, that's when he got his senses back.

taeyong took his things and ran from chenle's room.

"mom, dad! we're going now!" chenle screamed from the main door since his parents are in the living room which is kind of far away.

chenle's mom screamed back, "okay! take care! tell doyoung to get well soon!"

she suddenly came running holding a box of cookies.

"we haven't even said anything about doyoung yet..." taeyong said.

"i... uhh.. she—"

"i could hear the screaming! yeah, i could hear the screaming," chenle's mom said.

"she's right. let's go! bye mom! tell dad i left already," chenle told his mom and went to his car.

chenle drove as fast as he could but taeyong noticed chenle wasn't going anywhere near s hospital.

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