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"everybody is here though..."

taeyong opened the door and revealed a a petite girl with long black hair and hugged taeyong tightly, which made doyoung frown and cross his arms.

doyoung walked up to lucas who was drinking alone.

"who is she, lucas?" he asked.

"i don't know? maybe his girlfriend?" lucas answered.

doyoung pinched lucas' stomach, making him flinch out of pain.

"ow! okay! fine! it's not his girlfriend! geez," lucas said while he rubbed the reddening part where doyoung pinched him.

"everybody! may i have your attention?" taeyong screamed, making everyone look their way.

"eveybody, i want you to meet seulgi. my childhood best friend, it's also her birthday! we share the same birthday which makes our friendship more special, right?" taeyong asked her.

seulgi nodded and everybody greeted her a happy birthday and welcomed her warmly, everybody, but doyoung.

doyoung watched her every move and would roll his eyes whenever she locks her arms with taeyong's or when she pinches taeyong's nose and cheek and when she makes taeyong smile so wide. it angered and annoyed doyoung so much.

doyoung couldn't take the sight anymore, so he walked to taeyong and seulgi's direction.

as soon as taeyong saw doyoung, he spoke, "there you are! doyoung, this is—" but is cut off by doyoung ignoring what he's saying and went straight for seulgi.

"hi! i'm doyoung. taeyong's BEST FRIEND," doyoung said, emphasizing who he is to taeyong.

"i hope he introduced me to you already," doyoung said and showed her a fake smile.

"i'm seulgi! his best friend, too! and he was just talking about—" she wasn't able to continue what she was saying because doyoung suddenly spoke.

"yeah, that's cool whatever. and i know he talks about me all the time. anyways, taeyong, can i talk to you?" doyoung asked taeyong.

"sure. what do you want to talk about?" taeyong asked.

"alone," doyoung added.

before taeyong could even say anything, doyoung pulled taeyong in his bed room and locked the door.

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