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After jungwoo left, doyoung just left too and went to his place, feeling awful.

after some time, someone texted doyoung.

taeyong: are you okay?

doyoung: i thought you dgaf abt me anymore?

doyoung: just leave me alone, yong

doyoung: i don't want anybody around rn

doyoung: i don't want you around

taeyong: oh..

taeyong: okay

after doyoung just read what taeyong said he buried his face on his pillow and screamed, "SERIOUSLY?!?!?"

he felt like crying because taeyong really just left him on his own because taeyong knows that doyoung doesn't want to be alone especially on situations like this. he needs someone, he needs taeyong, specifically.

jisung suddenly called him.

"hyuuuung! can you be on my--"

"NO." doyoung immediately said knowing what jisung is baout to tell him.


"PARK JISUNG I'M EXHAUSTED. NO." and doyoung just ended the call.

minutes later, he head his door being opened.

as he was not facing his door he spoke, "jisung go away. i said i don't want to appear in one of your videos, now leave me alone."

he heard the door closing, expecting that jisung had left, but he felt a very familiar touch on his shoulder.

he immediately turned around and his face lit up when he saw taeyong holding a bag of beer and chicken, knowing it helps doyoung calm down.

he hugged taeyong and sobbed in taeyong's arms.

he kept apologizing to taeyong for being rude to him and declining his comfort, when he knew he really needed taeyong.

"i'm sorry! i'm really sorry, yong. i really need you," he sobbed.

taeyong gently rubbed his back and shushed him and told him everything's going to be fine and that he'll be always there beside him.

"shh, hey, it'll be fine. i'll be always here, okay? shh, stop crying." he rocked doyoung slowly back and forth.

they stayed like that for a while until doyoung fell asleep. taeyong laid him down on his bed and stood slowly and was about to leave when doyoung held his arm.

"stay with me?"

taeyong was hesitant because he had to wake up early in the morning the next day for work.


taeyong couldn't resist doyoung, so he laid down beside doyoung and cuddled him until they both fell asleep.

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