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doyoung just woke up from a nap and called taeyong imediately. 

"wann come over?" doyoung asked. 

"what." taeyong responded. 

doyoung repeated his question, but before dhe could say another word, his door opened widely revealing an excited boyfriend.

"that was fast." doyoung chuckled. 

"oh shut up and move over," taeyong said .

doyoug moved so taeyong could lay beside him. taeyong cuddled doyoung and buried his face on doyoung's chest and inhaled doyoung's  familiar scent. 

"how was your day?" doyoung asked taeyong. 

"feels like shit." he pouted. 

"my boss kept on yelling at me. this is the only thing i need. you are the only one i need." taeyong said. 

"ew," doyoung teased and jokingly gagged. 

"excuse me?! fine, i'll go then," taeyong slightly pushed doyoung away. 

"okay! just lockk the door when you leave." doyoung teased him more. 

"i fucking hate you. why did i even fall for you?" taeyong rolled his eyes at him and pinched him. 

3 years ago  [TRIGGER WARNING!! death, suicide] 

after taeyong insisted to see doyoung, he almost passed out after seeing doyoung's condition. the doctor explained that he's in a coma and won't be waking up anytime soon. 

it broke taeyong completely . he didn't even know what to do. he kept on blaming everything to himself. he kept on thinking bad things that could happen to doyoung. 

"w-why did this even happen?! i..." taeyong weakly said. 

it had been 6 months since the incident and the surgery, but doyoung's still unconscious. 

"this is all my fault. i'm so sorry doyoung. how can i even show up here knowing you were hurt because of me? how can i live without you? you helped me ever since i got here. you made me open my eyes to what love really means. you can't just leave me like this, kim dongyoung. this is unfair. you are unfair! i loved you with all i am. i risked a lot of thigs for you, and you'll go like this? you are unfair! unfair. unfair!" 

taeyong left with a heavy heart, slowly giving doyoung up. he couldn't breathe knowing the love of his life is not waking up anytime soon. he also stopped going to the hospital, avoiding his biggest fear. 

doyoung's death. 

he had been avoiding his friends' calls too because he knows that they don't have good news for him. 

before he could even hear it with his own ears, he decided to just... kill himself. 

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