Secret crush

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Edited 23\01/24

Name Y/N
Year 4
House Slytherin

Ahh potions class. Quite possible my favourite class here at Hogwarts! Well aside from the nagging of the delightful professor snape. Wow that guy knows how to drone on. We all know he wants the dark arts position but alas he's still head of potions.

Today we were learning all about polyjuice potions which i have been looking forward to ever since we started this module in potions.

My seat is luckily near the back on the room with the other slytherins which is fine by me as snape basically placed me and B/F/N rights next to each other!

"Ouch!" You whine as yet another piece of paper hits the back of your head. "Miss Y/l/n is there a problem or do I need to send you to detention" Professor snape snapped his glance towards you. "No professor snape" you reply as you sink into your seat.

You open the paper and there is a bunch of hearts on it the same as the other 5 paper balls that hit you in your potion lessons. You turned around to see Malfoy looking at you but as soon as he notices he carry's on scribbling notes.

He's so peculiar.

Why would Draco look away like that. I have never met a more cocky, confident and yet skittish boy. One moment hes strutting around Hogwarts like he owns the place and in the next breath hes scurrying off somewhere.  To be completely honest tho, i do have a little bit of a crush on him. But then can you blame me! Most people think hes a total ass but there is more to him than that. I've seen him show actual kindness to people, I've never had a bad encounter with him.

I suppose he puts up this cocky facade to please his father. Now he totally is an ass! I saw him around Hogwarts the once in second year and he treated the students like dirt on his shoe.

Draco's POV
Right I know what your thinking but i, believe it or not, have a little bit of a crush. She's just so fascinating and well beautiful. Everyone knows I have a secret crush but this is more than that.I keep trying to get her attention but she probably thinks I'm a jerk! Why would she like me? Out of all the boys why would she like someone as cold as I am?

I have created a bit of a reputation for myself these past 4 years at Hogwarts. As im getting older however im realising that maybe that wasn't the best thing despite my fathers wishes. I have become a bloody people repellant.


Soon potions class had finished and i had a free period before transfiguration class.

As i left potions and started to walk down the corridors of Hogwarts i felt a hand pull my arm pulling me into a  broom closet. Squinting my eyes, i attempted to see who on earth pulled me in here. I mean its a bloody broom closet why not just the corridor?

I took in a deep breath, recognising the familiar sent of apples and mint. Draco.

"Draco is that you?' I spoke out swiftly hearing  a response.

"Would you believe me if i said no?" He chuckled.

"I know its you draco! But how come you pulled me into this musty old cupboard?"

"Well erm. Y/n you know i,  well i you know."

"You?" I questioned at his bashfulness

Instead of responding he leans in towards me placing a soft and wonderful kiss gently on my lips. My cheeks flushed deep crimson, so bright it could have lit the room.

Total shock. Draco just kissed you in a broom cupboard. Whilst still in your temporary blissful confusion, Draco walked out leaving you confused.
" Draco wait  please!!" You chased after him to the great hall where he sat with the slytherin boys for dinner.

You took your place with the girls not looking away from draco the entire time. "Oi  y/n!" Oh no you recognized that voice. "Quit looking at my boyfriend you little pig" yep that was pansy alright. "Shut it parkinslut I can look at whoever I want!" You yell back at her not realizing who was stood behind you.

"So you were staring at me then" Draco smirked feeling confident as always. "I-Um well I" suddenly pansy cuts in "oh dracey it was awful! The stupid girl was looking at you because she's jealous of us!" She tried to clamber onto Draco but he pushed her off and rolled his eyes.

Before he left to go back to his seat he gave you a piece of paper covered in hearts and it reads
* Y/n darling, don't you see? Your my secret crush.
   Love - DM ♡

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