The sibling finale part

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"One last push mrs Malfoy" a nurse called out as Draco, whom hadn't left your side, gave your hand a reassuring squeeze.

"Come on love you can do it" he said planting a kiss on your sweaty forehead. "Ahhh" your cried out in pain but suddenly the pain subsided as your new daughter was placed on your chest and within a few seconds loud cries filling the room.

"Congratulations! You have a lovely baby girl!" The nurse smiled as she placed a towel over your daughter. "Darling I'm so proud of you! You did it" cried your husband as tears ran down his cheeks.

"Welcome to the world my sweet baby" you said as you placed a small kiss on your daughters head. After that the nurse came to swaddle your baby before handing her back to you.

Draco sat next to you on the bed, his arm around you and his second child. "She's so perfect y/n" he placed a finger in her little hand which made you all the more emotional.

"She really is perfect Dray! But what should we name her?" You questioned thinking of all the possible names you could give your little girl. "I think it should be something unique or something meaningful" replied your husband.

"Oh I've got it!" You smile looking down at your little girl . "Sorine-Ebony Malfoy" you said (if you don't like the name you can change it)

"It's absolutely perfect my love, a beautiful name for a beautiful little princess. She certainly gets her beauty from her mommy" he said softly as her kissed your temple lovingly.

After having bonding time with you and Draco,You decided to put sorine in her very first outfit. It was a viridian green baby grow with a little green mittens and a hat to match. The small hat had a little tiara embroidered onto it.

"You are so adorable my little princess" Draco said as he held her, he was in complete awe of his new daughter.

A little while later your parents, Draco's parents and scorpius arrived to meet the new family member. Scorpius was the first to see her.

"Wow momma, is that my sister" scorpius said placing his little hand on sorines head. "Yes scorp, her name is sorine" you replied now with both of your children together.

"Where's my granddaughter" Narcissa said as she came in smiling brightly. "This is sorine-Ebony Malfoy mom" Draco said handing the baby to his mother. She shed a tear as she looked at her granddaughter, another grandchild for her to spoil and love.

After every one had visited and sorine had had all of her tests it was time for you to take her back home.

When you walked through the front door you took your daughter to her room. "Look sorine, this is all yours." You picked up a little snake stuffed animal to show your daughter. Even though you knew she wouldn't understand at that age you still wanted her to see anyway.

You opened the doors on the nursery which opened onto a balcony and you stood with your baby girl as the sun began to set. "Look at all the pretty colours sorine, it's beautiful like you!" You said.

Just then an arm wrapped around you. It was Draco holding scorpius in his arms. "Our beautiful little family" he said kissing your head. "Our beautiful little family" you repeated.

That moment would be one that you would cherish forevermore, the moment that completed you.

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