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House: Slytherin
Year: 5 (without umbrage)

"I'm boredddddddddddddddd" you groaned resting your head on the table in the courtyard. "I'm sorry y/n I would say we could do something but I have to go meet Neville at hogsmead" your best friend Luna says sweetly.

"It's okay Luna go an have fun I'll find something to do" you smiled at her. "Thank you y/n I'll see you later okay?" She walks out of sight with a joyful slip in her step.

Although you were a Slytherin, Luna had been your best friend for years. Even before Hogwarts you and Luna had the best of friendships due to your families being so close.

You had literally got nothing to do today, no classes and most people had gone to hogsmead. You decided to take a walk around the castle and maybe a trip to the room of requirement.

As you were walking around you got lost in thought until you bumped into someone.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry Draco!" You look up at the platinum haired boy who happened to be your biggest crush.

"Y/n are you alright, you should be more careful in case you get hurt" he smiles. You freeze and blush with embarrassment.

"So erm er what are you doing here I thought you would be at hogsmead?" You let a little smile spread across your face. "Didn't feel like it, I wanted to go with someone but I doubt they would go with me. What about you"

Your face dropped a little and he noticed but you tried to cover it. "Didn't feel like it and I would've been alone anyway"

"Maybe we should do something together today" he asks a little shyly. "Y-yeah o-okay s-sure" he chuckles. "Awh is y/n shy" you hit his arm playfully.

"Come on I know what we could do." You take his hand which shocks him but he follows you to the kitchens.

"Really y/n. Baking! I'm a Malfoy I don't bake!" You laugh at his statement and he just rolls his eyes. "It's fun I promise. I'll teach you how to bake Malfoy" you smile at him.

"Right we are gonna make brownies so go and get the flour and cocoa powder and I'll get the sugar and butter" he nods his head and goes to the other side of the kitchen. You get the butter from the large fridge and attempt to reach the sugar but it's on the top shelf.

"Need some help shorty?" Draco effortlessly reaches the bag of sugar and puts it in your hands,Your faces just a few inches apart. "Thank you" you blushed sweetly.

"Now what?" He questions. "Now put 250 grams of flour in that bowl. Instead of putting the flour in the bowl he grabs a handful of it and dumps it on top of your head.

He starts to laugh hysterically.

"Oh I'll get you for that Malfoy!" You reached into the bag of flour and cocoa powder and threw it at his face. "Oi shorty!" You puts a handful of flour down the back of your robe.

"DRACO!" You both laugh continuously for about five minutes. "You gotta admit that was the funniest thing ever!" He chuckles. "Yes it was"

You go to walk over to the sink but slip on some butter and crash straight into Draco falling onto him on the floor.

"Y/n what did I tell you about being careful" he laughs. "Oopsy" he watches as you giggle.

Draco's POV

Gosh even covered in flour she's beautiful and don't even get me started on her smile. I just have this soft spot for her and only her. She's like the light to my dark really.

I've liked her for a while now but she probably just thinks I'm an ass, She wouldn't be incorrect. I wanted to ask her to hogsmead but I wasn't sure but now I am.

Story POV

He looked up at her as she got lost in his twinkling eyes. "Y/n will you go on a date with me to hogsmead?" He watched as she blushed a dark crimson colour.

"I-I would love to Draco" she beamed as they both sat up still looking at each other. "How about next Saturday?" He smiled. "Saturday is great"

"Okay meet me at the great hall at 11am okay?" He stood up and offered you his hand which you took.
"Okay I-I will see you then." You giggle as he places a kiss on your cheek dying it red with a blush.

At dinner you saw Luna and rushed over to her " LUNA HE ASKED ME ON A DATE" she smiles so widely. "That's amazing y/n! Tell me everything!" You sat down ready to tell your nest friend all that had happened today.

Once you headed back to your dorm you found a letter on your bed with a beautiful white rose.

The letter read:

I had so much fun with you today beautiful and I can't wait to take you out on Saturday. If you didn't realize already you were the person I wanted to take with me today. I saw how sad you looked when you thought I wanted to  take someone else.

See you Saturday princess

Dm- x

As you stood with the letter in your hand you kept imagining what Saturday would be like and you were beyond excited........................

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