
1.8K 36 10

Year: in between 4th and 5th
House: Slytherin
Blood: pure blood
Age: 16 (I know it doesn't match the year but just roll with it)
(Thank you so much for 6.5k I'm totally shocked and I'm so grateful to you all❤️)

This one is kinda short because I'm planning a much longer chapter but I wanted to give y'all an update!

"Y/n what are you doing?" Draco said pointing at the computer screen. Whilst you were a pureblood you used some muggle things like computers and phones. "Oh I'm playing the sims 4" you reply.

"The what now?" He asks still confused. "Well you create these characters and you look after them as they go through their lives" you said pointing to the screen.

"Who's that good looking fellow?" He asked pointing to a blonde sim dressed in all black with a grey turtle neck.  "Oh that's you" you giggle.

"So is that you then?" He questioned pointing towards the y/h/c haired sim with the e/c eyes. "Yes that's me" he smiled about the thought of living together.

"I'm going to quickly shower before we go out tonight" you said getting up and grabbing your black silk robe. "Oh can I come" he winked snaking his arms around your waist.

"Hey mister you can have some later You haven't given me food yet!" You laughed spinning around and kissing his lips. "But I want some now!" He chuckled as you booped his nose. "Later I promise but you can play sims" you smiled with a giggle.

"Okay okay hurry up will ya" he smirked. You went into the bathroom whilst Draco sat down at your desk in front of the computer.

30 minutes later

"How was the shower princess" asked Draco as you walked in with your robe. "Refreshing, what's gone on with my sims then?" You replied waltzing over to him, sitting on his lap.

You looked at the screen. "Well we are married now and have a toddler called scorpius and another baby on the way which will be a princess!" Draco chirped seeming happy with what he had achieved.

"Awh we are married, shame it's on the game" you giggled swiveling around on his lap to face him. "Well my pretty princess it will soon be in real life too so don't you worry" he smirked.

"I-I y-you want to m-marry me?" You asked tears of joy actually brimming in your eyes. His face was millimeters away from yours. "Of course babygirl" he pressed his lips to yours cupping your face.

Your cheeks were flushed crimson. "Right then Urm let's go eat" you said as he chuckled. "Before you get dressed look at this" he pointed at the garden he had made, full of beautiful roses in heart shapes.

"It's beautiful Draco" you beamed. "We will have one of these when we have our own house"

And it's true you did have a garden like that in the Malfoy manor. You married Draco a few years ago now and have a son scorpius and coincidentally a daughter soon to come..............

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